In accordance with federal regulations, Manhattan University publishes annual information about security and fire safety on campus.
Daily Crime and Fire Log
Public Safety maintains a daily log of crimes and fires that occur on campus. Information is recorded by date, time, location, and disposition of the complaint. The most recent 60-day period of the log is available to the public at the Public Safety Office, Jasper Hall, Monday-Friday, 9am to 4:30pm.
Log entries older than 60 days are available within two business days after the request. Entries or updates are generally made within two business days after an incident has occurred. The Director of Public Safety may decide an incident be classified “confidential” to avoid jeopardizing a criminal investigation, the identity or safety of a person, cause a suspect to evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence. The log does not include the name or other personally identifiable information of any victim or alleged perpetrator.