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The University strives to create a campus culture where compliance and ethics is fundamental. This involves working and collaborating with students, faculty, staff, and administrators to understand and implement compliance requirements at the Federal, State, and New York City levels. This important collaboration is done through proper and updated policies, training and education, confidential reporting opportunities, compliance data collection, and proactive planning around compliance issues.  

Compliance concerns every area within the University;

  • Academic Affairs
  • Student Life
  • University administration

Each area is expected to conduct its work within applicable laws, University policies, and best practices. For questions regarding compliance, please contact Kimara Patton, the Chief Compliance Officer at

  • How to Report

    Confidential reporting is a critical part of compliance and ethics at the University. Students and employees are strongly encouraged to report activities or conduct that they believe violates federal, state, or New York City laws, or University policy. The University has contracted with Lighthouse to provide reporting options for students and employees. 

    Violations may include:

    • Violations of contracts and grants terms
    • Unethical conduct
    • Financial reporting
    • Athletic misconduct
    • Academic misconduct
    • Employee misconduct

    Make a Report

    All individuals associated with the University are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct and to comply with University policies and relevant laws. If you are aware of any applicable violations, you are strongly encouraged to report them via the University’s anonymous reporting hotline. Reports can be filed online, via e-mail, by phone, or by fax.

  • Policies

    Updated and accessible policies are important in creating and maintaining a campus-wide culture of compliance. It is also a fundamental part of the compliance and ethics program. Policies provide operational guidance and awareness to the Manhattan University community, and ensure the University adheres to all relevant laws.

    PolicyStat is the online policy library of the University. When fully launched, PolicyStat will be a searchable, user-friendly library of all updated University policies. A central library of updated University policies is important in creating a culture around compliance and ethics. Access PolicyStat

  • Training and Resources

    Manhattan University is committed to providing relevant training and shared resources to members of the University community. Staying up-to-date with relevant laws and best practices is critical in creating and sustaining a culture of compliance at the University. Throughout the year, our office will share various relevant training and resources as they become available.

    University Resources

    Ethics and compliance training for employeesEthics and compliance training for students