Safety & Security Systems

Through various safety and security systems and recommendations, we strive to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the campus community.

  • Blue Light Emergency Telephones

    The University has a number of blue light phones located throughout campus; they have blue lights above them for easy identification. These phones should be used to request assistance, report suspicious activity, crime, or any emergency.

    By pressing the button on the phone the blue light flashes, and users are connected with an officer from the Public Safety Department. The call will identify the phones location if the caller is unable to speak.

    Broadway Garage

    There are (21) emergency telephones located within the garage as follows-           

    • Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 at each stairway (A, B, C, D)
    • Level 1 (street level) at stairway A, B and Broadway south exit
    • Roof landing stairwells A and B

    Campus Phones

    Phones are located on campus at the following locations:

    1 Draddy Parking Lot At the entrance to the lot (W.244 Street and Tibbett Ave.)
    2  Financial Services On the Miguel Hall path in front of the building
    3 Horan Hall Steps At the bottom of the steps, off Post Road up to Horan Hall
    4 Kelly Commons Pedestrian walkway – near the front of the building
    5 Kelly Commons Pedestrian walkway – near the rear of the building
    6 Kelly Commons Waldo Avenue - on the building exterior
    7 Leo Engineering Building Tibbett Avenue - on the building exterior
    8 Hayden Hall / O'Malley Library Bottom of the steps, just off Manhattan College Parkway
    9 Thomas Hall / O'Malley Library Pathway to Lee/Horan Hall (under Founder’s Bridge)
    10 Parking Garage On Broadway Garage exterior near the south exit
  • Emergency Alert System

    Manhattan University uses text messaging to assure timely mass communication in case of an emergency. Individuals can register up to two cell phones and two email addresses.

    This system will be used to communicate with you only regarding situations that may pose a threat to the safety, health or well-being of members of our community and/or weather situations that may interrupt scheduled classes or activities.

    Register for e2Campus Alerts

  • First Aid and Automated External Defibrillator Certification (AED)

    Public Safety officers and supervisors receive training in first aid, CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) use. There are a number of AEDs located on campus to assist an individual experiencing cardiac arrest.

    AED Campus Locations:

    • Draddy Gym, gym floor by restrooms
    • Horan Hall, Public Safety desk
    • Lee Hall, Public Safety desk
    • Leo Engineering, Higgins lobby Public Safety desk
    • MU Garage, Public Safety booth
    • O’Malley Library, circulation desk
    • Public Safety, Main Booth
    • Public Safety Office, Jasper Hall
    • Public Safety, Supervisors Auto
    • Raymond W. Kelly Student Commons, Public Safety desk
    • Raymond W. Kelly Student Commons, Fitness Center
    • Research and Learning Center, lobby
  • Security Camera System

    Manhattan University is committed to enhancing the safety of our campus by integrating the best practices of security with technology. Security cameras are installed in public areas with the intention of deterring crime, aiding in investigations and enhancing the safety of the University community.