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Student Learning

At Manhattan University, student achievement is grounded in the mission of the University.

Student achievement at Manhattan University is part of the mission to provide a contemporary, person-centered educational experience that prepares graduates for lives of personal development, professional success, civic engagement, and service to their fellow human beings. The University pursues this mission through programs that integrate a broad liberal education with concentration in specific disciplines in the arts and sciences or with professional preparation in business, education and engineering.
  • Retention and Graduation Rates
    • First-time full-time freshmen fall-to-fall retention rates at Manhattan University have been over 80% since 2009.

    Chart showing retention rates since 2009Graph showing first to second year retention

  • Career Outcomes

    Our Office of Career Pathways produces an annual report assessing career outcomes for each graduating class. Highlights of the report for the most recent class include:

    • 88% of graduates are employed full time or enrolled in graduate school within nine months of graduation
    • 85% reported that their employment is related to their field of study
    • The median base salary is $52,617
    • Top employers include Apple, Ernst & Young, ExxonMobil, JPMorgan Chase and NBC Universal 
    Read the full career outcomes report


  • Internships and Research

    We encourage all students to pursue experiential opportunities during their time at Manhattan University. Some highlight programs include:

    In addition, we track self report data from each graduating class on the number of career related experience.  For the graduting class of 2017,

    • 72% participated in at least one internship, paid or unpaid.
    • 22% reported having a research experience with a faculty member.
    Graduating Class 2017: Career Related Experiences
  • International Experiences

    We offer a variety of opportunities for students to gain international experiences and develop global awareness and an understanding of the world. 

    Study Abroad
    • The Office of Study Abroad offers a variety of opportunities, including study away in other U.S. locations. Many of our core programs are faculty-led and draw a diverse group of students.
    • Highlight programs include a Lasallian consortium project in Rome, which started in Spring 2018.  
    • Over 200 students study abroad or study away each year in faculty-led and other programs.
    • The Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experiences (LOVE) are service trips that offer students the chance to live and work in solidarity with the poor, experience an unfamiliar culture, learn about issues of social justice and engage in hands-on service. 
  • Living Learning Communities

    Manhattan University has one living learning community and various residential communities for students.


    The Arches is a learning and living experience that provides an enriching introduction to university life for Manhattan University freshmen.  Arches students live in a community in Lee Hall and take one class together each semester of their freshman year that incorporates cultural excursions and service projects in New York City. Many former Arches students say the friendships they made through the program last well beyond graduation.

    • There have been anywhere from 150-175 new students participating in Arches for the last three years.  
    Common Interest Communities

    Common Interest Communities (CIC) are themed residences for students who share similar interests and lifestyles, regardless of what their major might be. CICs are housed within the residence halls on campus, and advised by a professor who helps facilitate programming. to enhance your education through activities on and off campus.

    • The Entrepreneurship Common Interest Community explores business and philanthropic interests. Students partner together across academic majors to move from idea to product over the course of the year.
    • The Health and Wellness Common Interest Community is for students dedicated to their holistic wellness. Residents explore all areas of the wellness wheel to attain a balance of mind, body, and spiritual wellness, in their social, academic, and professional roles on campus and beyond.
    • The Indivisa Manent Common Interest Community is a Lasallian service community dedicated to the University’s founding principles, particularly an emphasis on ethical conduct and a commitment to social justice. Residents discuss contemporary social issues, participate in service activities, and are encouraged to engage with campus-wide programs like L.O.Co., JustPeace, Catholic Relief Services and Green Club.
    • The Jasper Arts Common Interest Community is a residential community for students with interest in arts and culture, including those participating student groups such as Players, Film Society, Sanctus Artem and Scatterbomb. Residents gather to explore their interest through film viewing, open mic nights, and a whisper room for practicing music and singing.
    • The Jasper Green Common Interest Community is an environmental and sustainability focused residential community for students who want to further their understanding of the Earth and how we can live better. Residents learn and teach others about recycling, living better, and reducing your impact on the Earth.
    • The Nuestra Casa Common Interest Community is a residential community for students with an interest in Hispanic and Latino culture in the world and in New York City.  Residents visit local cultural sites like Museo del Barrio, and explore culture through food, arts, and language.
  • President's Report

    The president's report outlines Manhattan University's accolades, accomplishments and activities, highlighting student achievement in many areas on campus.

Student Electronic Portfolios (Taskstream) 

The University is implementing student electronic portfolios through Taskstream Learning Achievement Tools (LAT). This allows us to integrate our students' work into the overall assessment system (AMS-Assessment Management System). Currently e-portfolios are being used in the School of Education and Health, as well as in the School of Science freshman seminar program and the School of Business MBA programs.

taskstream logo

Please contact Dora Moreira, Assistant Director of Institutional Research, at for more information. 


Visual of Taskstream system