Academic Assessment Committee

The College's Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) supports faculty leadership regarding student learning outcomes assessment and the inclusion of outcomes assessment in program reviews. AAC meets yearly in July and provides feedback to faculty leadership. The committee identifies gaps in assessment information, tracks progress in the implementation of assessment plans and evaluates the use of assessment results to inform decision-making within academic schools and programs. 

The Academic Assessment Committee Process:

  • Each AAC member is assigned between 15 to 17 department/program annual reports for review in early July. Each member is asked to read closely the annual report and all supporting documents including analyses/evaluations submitted as appendices. Each member scores reports using the AAC rubric and provides quantitative feedback and narrative. All feedback in entered into Taskstream by the end of July.
  • AAC members meet on-campus in August. The committee discusses best practices both on-campus and externally regarding learning outcomes assessment, as well as feedback regarding Taskstream and how to improve the submission process. The committee members break into teams of two to follow-up on assigned reviews, reconciliation to create final feedback reports for Chairs/Program Directors (after discussing carefully with the 2nd reviewer).
  • AAC members serve as the faculty representative from each MC school. AAC members should be assessment leaders in the MC school, to assist in sharing best practice ideas for assessing student learning and success. Each member has agreed to make himself/herself available should you want a meeting with you and/or your faculty. Typically, AAC members do not read reports from their own school, unless it is requested by Dean for accreditation purposes.


  • School of Business: Dr. Reut Livne-Tarandach
  • School of Continuing and Professional Studies: Dr. Katherine Aquino
  • School of Education and Health: Sr. Maryann Jacobs, SCC, Ed.D.
  • School of Engineering: Dr. Mohammad Naraghi
  • School of Liberal Arts: Dr. Kelly Marin
  • School of Science: Dr. Robert Suzzi Valli
  • Dr. Edward Dee (Director of Assessment)

Feedback Rubric Regarding Assessment Plan Used by the Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) for Annual Reports  *modified from the Qatar University Rubric and created in Taskstream Assessment Management System (AMS).