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Faculty Scholarship, Service and Teaching

Digital Measures by Watermark™ is Manhattan University's faculty credentialing and activity reporting tool.

What is Digital Measures?

Digital Measures by Watermark™ is Manhattan University’s web-based faculty activity reporting system that improves the faculty experience with the collection and reporting of faculty information and accomplishments.  Faculty can use Digital Measures to update their activities and accomplishments any time, and that information can be used for annual faculty activity reports, creating reports for accreditation, and more!

How can I access Digital Measures?

A link to Digital Measures can be found in the Faculty Resources Quick Links on the inside.manhattan.edu webpage or by clicking here.

Focus on Faculty 

Beginning in Spring Term 2019, information for Focus on Faculty will be submitted via the software package Digital Measures by Watermark™. 

Teaching innovation, scholarly work and publications, and on- and off-campus service activities that have occurred from June 16 of an academic through June 15 of the next academic year should be included.  That 12-month time span is the reporting period for all information entered via Digital Measures.

Resources for Faculty
Resources for getting started with Digital Measures can be found:

Digital Measures Training sessions will be posted in MU Announcements.

For more information about Digital Measures, contact:

Ed Dee, edee02@manhattan.edu /ext. 7597