Student Employment

Student Employment at Manhattan University provides university students with the opportunity to obtain real life work experience. We recognize the importance of offering our students work experience through on-campus or off-campus employment, with the ability to perform work that may relate to a future career, earn a competitive salary rate, have flexibility in scheduling work hours, and eliminate the cost of commuting to and from work. Students, department heads/supervisors, the Payroll Office, and the Financial Aid Administration Office work together to ensure that the University is always in compliant regarding all student employment options.

There are two types of student employment funding — federal work-study (FWS) and campus employment (CE). Students are eligible for one or the other, and can see this information on their award letter. 

  1. Federal Work Study: FWS is first and foremost a federal financial aid program.
  2. Campus Employment: Manhattan University matches federal funds in the form of our campus employment portion. It is because of this federal funding that our student employment program is possible.

Student Job Listings

The following jobs are available for eligible students.
  • Policies for Student Employment

    Please note the following policies that must be adhered to:

    • Students seeking to participate in student employment are required to submit a FAFSA application for the pertinent aid year, and satisfy FAFSA Verification requirements if selected
    • Federal Work Study students may only be employed in one position except in approved situations where a second, concurrent position is granted as a tutor, lab assistant, or community service role.
    • Students seeking to participate in student employment must be matriculated students in a degree-seeking program with full-time status.
    • Students participating in student employment must complete all onboarding requirements, including an online orientation and submitting all required application documents, to process official hiring before commencing any work hours.
    • Student employees must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. GPA will be checked at the end of each semester in the aid period.
    • Students are permitted to work a maximum across all types of employment of 20 hours per week during the semester & 30 hrs per week during breaks
    • All Jasper Corps & Community Engaged Federal Work Study students must be federal work study, per federal regulations
    • Departments are required to follow the 75/25 ratio of FWS to CE expenditures for their departmental budget with an allotted minimum of 75% FWS and maximum of 25% CE

    Student and supervisor questions about student employment policies and procedures should be directed in writing to

  • Eligibility

    Eligibility Requirements for all Students 

    • Enrolled for at least 12 credits for the term they wish to be employed (others enrolled for at least 6 credits can meet with Financial Aid Administration to discuss eligibility).
    • Meet the federal regulation standards for satisfactory academic progress (a cumulative GPA of a 2.0) every term.
    • No history of loan default during or following attendance at any institution.
    • If selected for verification, verification must be completed prior to work start date.
    • Matriculated in a degree program. 

    Eligible-to-Hire Limitations

    In rare cases, a student may appear to meet all of the above requirements and present all required documentation, but will still be ineligible for an office to hire as a FWS and/or CE employee. The most common applications of this policy include:

    • Students who are hired to work in one department and seek a second, simultaneous FWS or CE position within a given academic year. Students may only work in one FWS or CE position at a time. Exceptions are made for students employed as Tutors, Lab Assistants, or Campus Ministry Drivers as these positions offer limited hours in addition to special training.
    • To avoid a professional conflict of interest, students who are immediate relatives (including parents, parents-in-law, stepparents, grandparents, step-grandparents, spouse, children, step-children, siblings, stepsiblings, grandchildren and step-grandchildren) are not permitted  work in the same department.
    • Students can not work in the church or perform manual labor for Physical Plant

    Notice of Eligibility

    First-time students demonstrating financial need:

    A FWS and CE offer is included on their financial aid award letters if they filed a FAFSA.

    Continuing students with prior student employment participation:

    Do not need to complete any required documents. However, in order for students to show up on the eligible to hire list for the supervisors to see, students will need to accept their awards that is being offered (FWS or CE budget) on their self-service. The dollar amount of FWS or CE shown on a student's award letter represents the total gross amount of money they can earn under the program for the period of their award (July 1 through June 30).

    Not Offered Student Employment?

    Please contact us if FWS or CE is not offered on your financial aid package and you filed the FAFSA. The Financial Aid Administration office will review your eligibility.

    Students who are not eligible for FWS may be eligible for CE. An initial review for FWS eligibility is mandatory. Students who are CE-eligible must still complete all the mandatory paperwork and comply with the same guidelines and regulations for FWS. Contact us if you would like to be reviewed for student employment eligibility.

    Increases in Eligibility

    Most awards represent an initial allotment for a reasonable expectation of earnings. For some students, awards can be increased depending on (a) their individual calculation of financial need along with other aid used to cover educational expenses and (b) overall availability of university funding for student employment.

    As a student approaches their earning limits, they should consult their department supervisor and a financial aid counselor to see if their award can be increased. 

    A student may work up to 20 hours a week during periods when classes are in session and up to 30 hours a week during other periods.

    Loss of Eligibility

    At any time of the year, Financial Aid Administration may be obligated to withdraw or alter a FWS offer if it is determined that the student is no longer eligible. If that happens, Financial Aid Administration will notify the student and supervisor that the student must stop working as a FWS employee. It is possible to award CE funding if there is availability but there is no guarantee that a student can continue working in the same department.

    The most common reasons for loss of eligibility are:

    • A student earns their allotment too quickly.
    • A student changes their enrollment status.
    • A student withdraws from school.
    • A student fails to make satisfactory academic progress.
    • A change in the student's financial aid award
    Students must report any additional resources/scholarships received to cover educational expenses. Failure to do so can result in work study ineligibility and a change in financial aid packaging. Outside resources may include scholarships, grants, or loans not previously awarded, or those not processed by Manhattan University.
  • Getting Hired

    Searching for a Position

    You can view all of the student employment positions below.

    Interviews for student employment positions are usually informal but you still want to be prepared and make a good impression. For tips and some practice, visit the Center for Career Development. They can assist you through this process.

    Once you have been hired by a department, the department will notify the Office of Financial Aid Administration to send you an electronic onboarding student employment packet. The onboarding packet will be sent to your MU email and include:

    • I-9
    • W-4
    • Direct Deposit Form
    • Confidentiality Agreement

    Please note that you will not get paid until your packet has been completed.

    For Supervisors

    Supervising student workers requires more than delegation, it requires mentoring, direct communication, and ongoing guidance. A positive student employment experience on campus not only assist in student retention, it provides meaningful opportunities for career development and job readiness by giving students a meaningful on-campus work experience where learn skills that will translate to a future career.

    The resources provided below are aimed at helping you, the supervisors and managers to:

    • Clarify performance expectations, set goals, and monitor progresss
    • Provide formal, written performance feedback
    • Identify and prepare individuals for increased responsibility
    • Cultivate a transfer of knowledge between academics and work
    • Develop student workers workplace professionalism and skills
  • Getting Paid

    Hourly Pay Rate


    Time Sheets / Payroll Process 

    Students and supervisors share many responsibilities in the area of payroll. Only the names of approved students from the online referral system will be forwarded to the Payroll Office for processing. Students are responsible for initiating and completing all eligibility requirements and for completion of monthly time sheets.

    Students are responsible for entering their time worked on the electronic timesheet on Self Service. Supervisors are responsible for authorizing the online hire referrals and for approving their employee's electronic timesheet.They are also responsible for making sure that the student does not work during their scheduled class hours.

    Recording and Maintaining Timesheets

    Students and supervisors are required to maintain a electronic timesheet to be submitted via Self Service. Both parties should keep careful track of time, noting that by law, student workers are only paid for time worked.

    Time should be recorded each work day and placed on the timesheet under the supervisor’s verification. Time should be totaled for each day and partial hours may be allowed in intervals of 15 minutes. Reported partial hours should therefore read to the nearest quarter hour (e.g. 3.25 hours is three hours and 15 minutes, 4.50 is four hours and 30 minutes, etc.).

    Hour Limits 

    A student may work no more than 20 hours while school is in session and no more than 35 hours per week when school is not in session. A student may also not exceed 999 hours of work in a calendar year.

    There are no other benefits the student is entitled to as a student employee, therefore, overtime is not an option. Students should only be paid for time worked under the standard hour limit.

    Break Periods 

    • Student employees who work a shift of at least 4 consecutive hours are permitted one, 15-minute paid rest period during that shift. Rest periods are not to be taken at the start or end of a shift and rest periods are not cumulative.
    • Student employees who work a shift of at least 6 consecutive hours are permitted one 30-minute unpaid meal period and one 15-minute paid rest period during that shift.
    • Student employees who are working a full shift of 8 consecutive hours (never to exceed this) are permitted no less than two 15-minute paid rest periods and one 30-minute unpaid meal period during that shift.


    Student employees will notify their supervisor in advance of any circumstance that will keep them from regularly scheduled work hours. The University and its supervisors realize the importance of academic study and classroom commitments and are usually quite flexible with scheduling work hours. Time required for these important classroom duties should be taken into consideration when a student and supervisor are developing a work schedule. In case of illness, the student should be provided with a contact method for notifying the supervisor as soon as possible. Excessive tardiness or absences are grounds for termination.


    Appropriate attire assigned by the department. Cell phones are to be set on mute during work hours unless in case of an emergency. Students must sign in and out upon their arrival and departure. 

    Picking up Paychecks

    Students can pick up their paycheck in the Payroll Office, located in Miguel Hall Room 107.

    Student payroll is processed semi-monthly. Students can arrange for direct deposit of their earnings via the Payroll Office in person. Students will be asked to provide a photo ID and sign for their paycheck each payroll period. There is no opportunity for advances or for checks to be cut early under any circumstances, so students must be diligent in their personal budgeting.

    Student Payroll Summary Reports

    The Work Study Report on Argos provides all department supervisors with a student payroll summary report. Supervisors should review this report with students so together you can properly forecast their remaining earnings and hours. The summary reports contain a great deal of vital information and should be used in budgeting and planning for student employment.

  • Ending Employment

    Supervisors must submit a termination form for any student who ceases employment in the department for any reason, or if a student wishes to switch jobs mid-year.

    Calendar Year Limits

    • If a student maintains one position for the duration of his/her budget, the referral form will be active from July 1 to June 30.
    • After June 30, even if a student is continuing the same job, a new FAFSA must be filed.
    • Students who wish to work over the summer must reapply for student employment using the next academic year’s FAFSA and eligibility terms.


    Student employment positions are considered “at-will” employment. Students can be terminated for:

    • poor performance
    • violation of student employment regulations
    • graduation or academic dismissal/probation
    • budgetary reasons
    • unprofessional behavior
    • completing homework on the job

    If a supervisor is not satisfied with a student employees performance, he or she is encouraged to discuss those issues with the student and specify a period of time in which they are expected to improve. This is not mandatory but good practice. Supervisors should reach out to the Financial Aid Administration contact for assistance with these matters.


    Most supervisors hope that a student will remain on the job throughout the academic year or until the depletion of the student budget. Students must always cease their employment properly with a department supervisor. Not doing so may inhibit a student from future hire elsewhere or damage the relationship between the student employment program and department, even potentially risking Manhattan University's relationship with off-campus community service sites.

    Impacting Factors

    • class schedule
    • academic load
    • personal matters

    Students should discuss any issues with the supervisor and try to give two weeks’ notice. If there are any problems between a student and supervisor, they should mutually try to work on a resolution. Additional assistance is available by contacting the Financial Aid Administration contact.

  • Program Contacts

    The Financial Aid Administration Office and the Payroll Office administer the student employment program. Many questions and issues that are commonly raised are addressed in this manual. However, there may always be a need for specific guidance. Knowing the key players will be important in administrating a smooth student employment experience.

    Questions about eligibility and paperwork:

    Phone: 718-862-7100
    Fax: 718-862-8027

    Questions on topics such as social security regulations and rules of exemption, FICA taxes, payroll, and direct deposit:

    The main student employment contact in the Payroll Office is:

    Kristine Ianniello
    Assistant Payroll Manager
    Phone: 718-862-7751
    Fax: 718-862-8029

    The grants accountant, under the supervision of the payroll manager, processes the payroll and maintains the payroll master control. The Payroll office is able to handle questions on topics such as social security regulations and rules of exemption, FICA taxes and direct deposit.