Teaching Descriptions

COVID Course Information

Teaching and Learning Modes

In-Person Classes

In-person classes (Type “Lecture” or “Lab” in Self Service) meet on campus and will have a classroom assignment on Self Service, with specific days/times.  A majority of classes that meet in-person will also have a remote option.  Students planning to attend class in-person should register for the class option that indicates a classroom location. If registering for the in-person version of a class, regular in-person class attendance is expected. 

Remote Courses

Remote courses (Type “Remote Learning -Not on Campus” in Self Service) courses have regularly scheduled weekly meeting times that students attend via videoconferencing. These sessions will occur at the same scheduled time(s) each week as listed on the official course schedule posted on Self-Service. Classes will meet synchronously each week for the full number of meeting hours designated for the course. Synchronous activities may include live lectures, whole-class discussions and activities, group work, and instructor-supervised independent work. In addition to the live class sessions, students will be expected to complete work independently as outlined in the course syllabus.

Remote courses with an R in the section number (e.g. 04R) are linked to an in-person class.  These classes are taught from a classroom by an instructor that is teaching in-person and remote students simultaneously.  

Remote courses without an R in the section number are not linked to an in-person class section.  These classes are taught by a remote instructor and all students will attend remotely.  Remote courses of this type may add an in-person option at some point during the semester. 

Online Courses

Online courses (Type “Online” in Self Service) have no weekly scheduled meeting times.  Students complete work independently by following the course schedule. The instructor may or may not offer live video conferencing sessions on an occasional basis. Individual meetings with the instructor or collaborative group work may also be required.

Students are encouraged to contact their school directly for more clarity on how online programs are delivered for the established online programs they've enrolled in

Differentiating between online and remote learning course designations:

Both online and remote courses can be completed from any location as long as the student has the necessary hardware, software, and a reliable internet connection.  

Minimum technology requirements

A Windows or Macintosh computer is required - although many course activities can be completed on a mobile device, students will need a computer in order to fully participate in online and remote courses. 

Windows minimum requirements:

2 GHz Intel core i5             

8 GB of Memory

256 GB Hard Drive 

Macintosh minimum requirements: 

1.3 GHz Intel core i5 or higher 

8 GB of Memory 

256 GB Hard Drive

Other requirements:

Computers should be equipped with a webcam, microphone, and speaker/headphones for participating in virtual class meetings, completing video-based assignments, and completing quizzes and exams that require video proctoring. Reliable internet access is needed and Chrome web browser (latest​ version).

Additional hardware or software may be required for your course and will be listed in the course syllabus. Please consult with your professor if you have questions about the type of hardware or software that is required. 

Online proctoring statement

Students enrolled in online/remote courses at Manhattan College may be required to take examinations that utilize video proctoring software. The purpose of video proctoring is to promote academic fairness and maintain academic integrity. Video recordings of proctored testing sessions are only available to the instructor and allow your instructor to monitor your online exam in the same way they would if you were sitting in a classroom taking the exam. Whether proctoring software is used or not is at the discretion of the instructor.  If you have questions or concerns about the use of proctoring software for a course, please contact the instructor to discuss this matter before the class begins. 

In-Class Camera Policy:

In order to promote community, it is important that faculty are able to interact and engage with students. Thus, during online class activities, students are required to leave their cameras turned on. Students with extenuating circumstances may request an exemption from this requirement to the professor in writing. 


Copyright: Educational materials prepared by the College faculty member is owned by the faculty member, and may not be shared without his or her permission.