News & Media Relations

The Executive Communications office handles all news and media requests and acts as a conduit to all faculty, students, and leadership at the University.

For assistance, please contact:

For advertising purchasing, Manhattan University has designated Spark451 as our strategic media partner. Please direct all marketing inquiries and offers to Spark451 by email at
  • Submit Your Story

    The Marketing department is always looking for story ideas about events, special projects and interesting things happening around campus. We have a number of different communications platforms where we can tell the story of Manhattan University including press releases, the alumni magazine, the website, e-newsletters and social media. We invite you to submit your story ideas. The usage of any story ideas and/or submissions is at the discretion of the Marketing department.


    • Provide the Basics: Answer the five W’s: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
    • Bullets: You don't need to write prose. Providing the key information in bullet points is fine.
    • Be Timely: Submit your information as soon as possible.
    • Include Graphics: If you have photos, video or other content that enhances the story, let us know.
  • Submit Your Accomplishments

    The Office of Marketing and Communication publishes faculty and student accomplishments and promotes these in the Manhattan Monthly e-newsletter. An accomplishment is typically something like winning an award, presenting at a conference, publishing a book, etc. 


    • Provide all required fields.
    • Be brief: The submission should be no longer than a few sentences explaining who, what, when, where and why. (i.e. Name, title or major, presented “This Paper” at this conference on this date.)
    • Be timely: Submit your information as soon as possible.
    Submit Accomplishment