
The Marketing department offers a variety of newsletters, publications, magazines, and other media to help students and their families, alumni and friends stay in touch with the latest developments at the University, including:

  • M Magazine
  • Posters, brochures and promotional materials for specific departments and events
  • Recruiting and admissions materials

Style Guides

Manhattan University follows the Associated Press Stylebook. Additionally, we have created a style guide that addresses common issues and usage. This guide is a reference for the Manhattan University community. It is a tool to ensure consistency, clarity and accuracy among print and online publications directed to external audiences.

The style guide is not meant to govern academic publications or everyday internal communications (i.e.: email messages, syllabi, class or department handouts, etc.). Its purpose is to help the campus community present unified and consistent external messages.

Manhattan University Style Guide

For specific questions regarding the style guide, please contact:

Kristen Cuppek
Director of Publications and Editorial Services

Additionally, the De La Salle Institute produces a style guide pertaining to specific Lasallian terms.

Lasallian Style Guide