Campus Communication

See the below information about campus communication channels and procedures.
  • Announcements & Today at Manhattan Daily Email

    All employees have access to submit a campus-wide announcement. All announcements appear within this website, and are also sent out to all employees and all students in a daily email blast. Announcements are also featured in the Manhattan University iPhone and (forthcoming) Android apps.

    See How to Submit an Announcement

    Announcement Guidelines

    • Write short, compelling headlines that convey the point of your message
    • The first 120 characters of your announcement are the most important part of your message because this is what's initially shown in the preview before someone clicks to read the full announcement. Make sure your first sentence contains the most important information and compels someone to want to read the rest of the message. 
    • Announcements are published without moderation. Please make sure to double check your spelling and ensure that your submission is professional and appropriate. 
  • Public Events Promotion

    There are several ways to promote your event:

    Website, Email, Digital Signage & iPhone App

    When submitting a room reservation in 25Live, select the category called "ADVERTISE - email, website, digital signage, app." This allows your event to appear on the following channels:

    • the university website calendar
    • the Jaspernet log-in page
    • the daily Today at Manhattan email
    • digital signage across campus
    • MU Glance App on iPhone & Android devices

    If you want to promote your event, make sure to write a compelling and informative event description in 25Live. Additionally, you can add an image for your event in the Event Image field. It must be a full URL from a hosted image. You can upload an image and get the URL for it here:

    Social Media

    If your department or office has a social media account, use it to promote your events. Additionally, you can notify the Office of Marketing & Communications and they can tweet about your event from the @ManhattanEdu Twitter account, and advertise it from the @manhattanedu Instagram account.

    Press Releases

    For high profile events that are open to external, off-campus audiences (e.g. our local Riverdale neighbors), the Office of Marketing & Communications can write a press release about the event to distribute to the local media. Email to submit a request.


    • For certain high profile events, the Office of Marketing & Communication can assist with poster design. There is a nominal cost for printing fees that your department must pay for.
  • Public Events Calendar

    Tag / Retag Events when scheduling an event in 25Live:

    • Select location
    • Select other options, including Organization and Event Type, etc.
    • In the Event Description, include information re: the Event
    • Keep the event description concise yet accurate and comprehensive, and include video URLs, as appropriate
    • When entering the video URL, you must enter the full URL vs. the abbreviated version, e.g., vs just 25Live currently does not link abbreviated URLs properly. 
    • Select one or more categories, including ADVERTISE - Website, Email, Digital Signage and App
    • The event will then go through the approval process. 


  • Submit Your Story

    The Office of Marketing and Communication is always looking for story ideas about events, special projects, students & alumni with jobs or internships, or interesting things happening around campus. We have a number of different communications platforms where we can tell the story of Manhattan University including press releases, the alumni magazine, the website, e-newsletters and social media. We invite you to submit your story ideas. The usage of any story ideas and/or submissions is at the discretion of the Office of Marketing and Communication.


    • Provide the Basics: Answer the five W’s: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
    • Bullets: You don't need to write prose. Providing the key information in bullet points is fine.
    • Include Graphics: If you have photos, video or other content that enhances the story, please attach it to the form below.
    • Be Timely: Submit your information as soon as possible (at least one month in advance if possible). 
  • Submit Your Accomplishments

    The Marketing department publishes faculty and student accomplishments and promotes these in the Manhattan Monthly e-newsletter. An accomplishment is typically something like winning an award, presenting at a conference, publishing a book, etc. 


    • Provide all required fields.
    • Be brief: The submission should be no longer than a few sentences explaining who, what, when, where and why. (i.e. Name, title or major, presented “This Paper” at this conference on this date.)
    • Be timely: Submit your information as soon as possible.
    Submit Accomplishment
  • Campus Life Channel

    Hoping to publicize an event or news item so that everyone on campus sees it? The Campus Life Channel (via the distributor OrcaTV)  is a great resource for promoting events, social media posts, videos, livestreams, polls and other multimedia content produced by the University community.

    The Campus Life Channel is streamed on televisions all across campus, in the following locations:

    • the Kelly Commons (on all floors and in the Fitness Center)
    • All five of the University’s residence halls, on all floors except lobby

    How it Works

    Anyone who wishes to have their news displayed on the Campus Life Channel must submit content here for approval. Then, the channel is distributed across campus through various means including digital signage, cable TV, IPTV (streaming on devices), and the web.

    Belong to a club or organization on campus? Stream your group’s event on televisions throughout your residence hall on channel 3!

    Submit content

  • Listserv Emails

    In addition to the announcements system, certain employees also have access to send blast emails to certain groups on campus.

    See Email Lists

    Listserv Email Usage Policy


    • Emails sent to these listserv groups should be used for conducting College business only.
    • These groups are NOT to be used for repeated event promotion or trivial topics. Messages about events or topics that are not specifically related to conducting College business can be communicated to the community via the calendar and announcements system which sends out a campus-wide daily email.
    • Communication to students should primarily utilize the announcements system and not listserv email. Instances where an email to students would be appropriate should mainly relate to retention and graduation issues (e.g. info/reminders about course registration, required surveys, graduation deadlines/requirements, etc.). 


    • Emails that go to the full employee or student lists will be held in queue for moderation and will not go out until approved.
    • Emails that go to smaller groups of employees or students will not require approval for approved senders.
    • Everyone who send emails to these lists is expected to respect fellow colleagues and students, and not abuse these lists by overusing them and sending too many emails
    • Refrain from using "Reply All" unless necessary

Questions, Concerns or Suggestions?

If you have questions, concerns or an idea about how to improve campus communications, please email