There are several ways to promote your event:
Website, Email, Digital Signage & iPhone App
When submitting a room reservation in 25Live, select the category called "ADVERTISE - email, website, digital signage, app." This allows your event to appear on the following channels:
- the university website calendar
- the Jaspernet log-in page
- the daily Today at Manhattan email
- digital signage across campus
- MU Glance App on iPhone & Android devices
If you want to promote your event, make sure to write a compelling and informative event description in 25Live. Additionally, you can add an image for your event in the Event Image field. It must be a full URL from a hosted image. You can upload an image and get the URL for it here:
Social Media
If your department or office has a social media account, use it to promote your events. Additionally, you can notify the Office of Marketing & Communications and they can tweet about your event from the @ManhattanEdu Twitter account, and advertise it from the @manhattanedu Instagram account.
Press Releases
For high profile events that are open to external, off-campus audiences (e.g. our local Riverdale neighbors), the Office of Marketing & Communications can write a press release about the event to distribute to the local media. Email to submit a request.
- For certain high profile events, the Office of Marketing & Communication can assist with poster design. There is a nominal cost for printing fees that your department must pay for.