Self Study Steering Committee and Working Groups

The Steering Committee is the core group of individuals leading the self-study and is made up of both faculty and administrators who are considered campus leaders for strategic planning, mission, educational effectiveness, student life, and support services. Even more, many of these individuals demonstrate a good understanding of the history of the university and have significant experience with accreditation processes (e.g., MSCHE or professional accreditation body).

Name TItle Self-Study Role
Dr. Kelly Marin Associate Professor of Psychology, School of Liberal Arts
Faculty Coordinator for Educational Effectiveness
Dr. Rani Roy Associate Provost
Co-chair of Strategic Planning Committee
Dr. Bruce Liby Professor of Physics, School of Science
Pre-Health Professions Advisor
Dr. Esmilda Abreu-Hornbostel Associate Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Working Group 2 Liaison
Dr. Cory Blad Professor of Sociology, School of Liberal Arts
Co-chair of Strategic Planning Committee
Working Group 1 Liaison
Tamara Britt Legal Counsel, Office of the President Working Group 7 and 9 Liaison
Dr. Richard Carbonaro Professor of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering Working Group 3 Liaison
Dr. Edward Dee Director of Assessment
Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
ALO, Working Group 5 and 6 Liaison
Br. Daniel Gardner Assistant Director, Center for Graduate School & Fellowship Advisement Working Group 1 and 7 Liaison
Jake Holmquist Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services Working Group 8 Liaison
Dr. Soohong Kim Director of Institutional Research
Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
Data support
Dr. Shawn Ladda Professor of Kinesiology, School of Education and Health Working Group 2 Liaison
Matthew McManness Vice President, Finance Working Group 6 Liaison
Marisa Passafiume Assistant Vice President for Academic Success Working Group 4 Liaison
Dr. Janet Rovenpor Associate Dean, O’Malley School of Business Working Group 5 Liaison
Caitlin Twomey Financial Aid Analyst, Financial Aid Administration Data support

Structure of the Working Groups

There are nine working groups in total. Specifically, there are seven working groups, each representing one of the MSCHE standards, one working group for the verification of compliance report, and one working group for the evidence inventory. Working groups are made up of individuals working toward gathering and analyzing evidence that supports our compliance with one of the specific standards and the related requirements of affiliation. These groups will be made up of faculty, staff, administrators, and students. The designated working groups reflect members’ knowledge, campus responsibilities, and experience related to the assigned standard. For each working group, there are assigned co-chairs and one or two Steering Committee members who will act as liaisons to the working groups.