News and Announcements

Latest updates

Fall 2020

The University’s SSD was approved by our MSCHE VP Liaison over the summer. The self-study work has officially begun. Working groups are moving ahead. This fall semester is a busy one with groups getting oriented and gathering documents and data related to their standards. There are still opportunities to be a part of the Self-Study Team- we welcome you to join us. 

Spring 2021

The working groups have been busy drafting reports and collecting evidence. Final reports are due June 15, 2021. We will be reaching out to external reviewers (community members who did not serve on a working group) to evaluate the reports and provide critical feedback.

Fall 2021

The co-chairs have begun revising the reports based on the external reviewers’ feedback and ongoing conversations across campus leadership. A draft of the report will be available for additional feedback after we host our MSCHE Team Chair on November 3, 2021.

Manhattan University had a successful visit with Fr. Maher, our MSCHE Team Chair. Community members should continue providing feedback on the self-study draft through the portal. The Co-chairs will host a Town Hall for all members of the community on November 30, 2021.

Spring 2022

We have a final self-study and evidence inventory that was submitted to MSCHE on February 17, 2022. We look forward to a successful evaluation visit with our MSCHE Evaluation team on April 3 - 6, 2022.