GrARTitude is an art therapy workshop inspired by NYC based artist and illustrator Mari Andrews. It is themed around gratitude and reflection and it was created as a way for students to find creative ways to express themselves through a variety of different exercises. These exercises are often structured and offer a way for students to use art and words to express themselves. Some of our popular activities include pie charts of resiliency, home hearts, and prescriptions for self care. Additionally, during these sessions, if the particular activity doesn’t call to those participating they are encouraged to journal, reflect, or make any other art that is calling to them. The most important element of grARTitude is to take time to de-stress and make time for yourself. The beautiful thing about grARTitude is it require no specific skills or talents, and is purely for yourself. The art is made for you to be proud of and feel good about! It is a way of creating something authentic from your own personal experiences. The exercises only require paper, pens, and colors, making it easily accessible from wherever you are.