
10.19.18-Lasallian-Women-and-Gender-Resource-Center-Ribbon-Cutting-Cuppek-189.jpgThe Women and Gender Resource Center (WGRC) is an inclusive space at Manhattan College that is designed to centralize resources, support, and advocacy that respond to gender-based violence and develop tools that envision and support gender justice. It is designed as a site of collaboration and solidarity between students, faculty, and the Office of Student Life, as well as our broader campus, Lasallian, and Bronx community.

The WGRC grounds its commitments to students in Lasallian values of human dignity, quality education for people of all gendered and raced identities, and solidarity with the most vulnerable and marginalized amongst us; in intersectional feminism, queer theory, and  trauma-informed pedagogy; in community building across diverse campus groups; and in a ministry of presence. We aim to meet students where they are, support their advocacy and leadership, and respond to their needs.

As a student-led center and hybrid space, all our priorities, projects, and programming are shaped by student visions, vulnerabilities, and participation. When students propose a project for the Center to support, we help them envision, develop, and execute it so that their projects become inclusive, intersectional, and successful. All our programming and advocacy are coordinated in partnership with students, either in-house by Gender Justice Advocates and interns, or in partnership with student groups and organizations.

The WGRC’s Statement of Gender Inclusivity and Respect

In the Lasallian spirit of respect for human dignity, ethical conduct and social justice, the Women and Gender Resource Center (WGRC) supports gender as a meaningful political and personal identity that is fluid, mutable, unfixed, multitudinal, ever-changing and uninformed by binary and mutually-exclusive bio-medically identified sex organs at birth. Reflecting both a central Lasallian mandate and the New York Education Law Article 129-B, the WGRC unequivocally states all people are entitled to the protection of basic human rights and to live and thrive without existence questioned or threatened. The WGRC follows the Lasallian tradition of inclusive community by affirming the dignity of all people, thereby celebrating the diversity of the global community. It is the Center’s mission to ensure Manhattan College students do not feel alone and they are able to trust that their school will protect them.