COVID Updates

The University will continue to monitor COVID-19 conditions on campus and monitor Federal, State of New York, and the City's public health guidance on COVID-19. The University will respond and may adjust these policies as needed. Updates will be posted to this website.  


Starting May 2023, Manhattan University does not require COVID-19 vaccinations. Everyone is strongly encouraged to get vaccinated and stay up to date on recommended vaccines.  

Academic Year 2024-2025

New students may submit documentation of COVID-19 vaccination with the other required health records and forms. See Required Forms | Health Services | Inside Manhattan University


The University is a mask friendly community. Masks are not required indoors or outdoors. Faculty can encourage, not require, masks in their classroom. Course syllabus should have information if the Faculty encourages wearing a mask. Masks are available and required when visiting the Health Services office with respiratory illness. 

Guidance for COVID-19 Illness, Positive Tests and Isolation

University community members who are experiencing symptoms, test positive, or were exposed to COVID-19 should follow the CDC Respiratory Viruses for guidance. 

 Health Services will continue to evaluate and treat students who are symptomatic. Students may schedule an appointment for evaluation and COVID testing at Health Services. To contact Health Services, to report COVID illness or receive guidance by phone 718-862-7217 or email

Updated guidance March 2024 CDC and COVID-19: When You Are Sick - NYC Health

Isolation Guidance

  • Isolate right away if you have symptoms. Test for COVID-19 and stay home until you have no fever for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine and other COVID-19 symptoms are getting better.
  • Make sure to take steps to protect others in your household, including wearing a well-fitting mask, staying in a separate room as much as possible, increasing ventilation and following good hand hygiene.
  • You can leave isolation if you have no fever for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine and other COVID-19 symptoms are getting better.

Ending Isolation

After qualifying to end isolation, for the next 5 day period please follow the precautions below.

Also if you have tested positive for COVID-19 and never had symptoms or have been diagnosed with another respiratory virus, take the same precautions for the next 5 days.

  • Wear a well-fitting mask 
  • Continue to keep a social distance from others, especially those at higher risk of serious illness. 
  • When indoors and around others, take steps to improve ventilation.
  • Practice good hand and cough hygiene. 
  • If you develop a fever or you start to feel worse, restart isolation and stay home and away from others for at least 24 hours, and your symptoms are improving overall and you have not had a fever (and are not taking fever-reducing medicine).

Resident Students

Resident students who test positive for COVID-19 and need to isolate are encouraged to go home when possible. A student may  “isolate in place”  in their assigned room, staying out of classes and public spaces until symptoms are improving overall and they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen etc.). Students should eat meals in their assigned room away from others. 

Anyone experiencing respiratory symptoms including a cough, sneezing and/or sore throat is asked to utilize recommended precautions (mask wearing, cough etiquette, proper tissue disposal, wash hands, disinfect frequently touched surfaces) to reduce spreading a virus. 

Employee Guidance

For questions on COVID-19 absences and employee policy, contact the Office of Human Resources. 


Here is updated information on COVID-19 in: NYC DOH, NY State DOH, and the CDC

Thank you for your continued efforts in keeping our community safe.