The Business Services Office contracts with Verizon to facilitate the purchase of cell phones for use by approved administrators.
Cell Phone Procedures
If you are:
Then you must:
Fill out a Verizon cell phone application and have it signed by your budget manager/department head.
Allow at least one week for processing and delivery.
Take into consideration your department budget when purchasing a new phone.
Handle with care. Your are responsible for purchasing any accessories and a protective case.
International Plans
If you travel internationally on University business, contact Nicole Miller by email two weeks prior to departing for your trip, and include in your email full name, cell number, dates of departure/return and country. Your Manhattan University Verizon account can be temporarily transferred to a Global Plan, which we recommend limited use, Wifi connectivity during your travel and the use of internet/laptop to reduce additional charges. When you return, Verizon will reinstate you back to your original nationwide plan.
Cell Phone Return/Cancellation
Employees who are leaving the University must submit a cell phone cancellation form prior to leaving their campus position. This form must be signed by the department head.
Cell Number Transfer Process: To or From Manhattan University account
For employees joining or leaving our University account and retaining their cell number, please open the attached instructional guide: Verizon Cell Phone Number
Transfer Instructions