For Academic Year 2024-2025
(1) A Per-Semester maximum Credit Allotment allows up to 17 credits of attempted credit hours for fall and spring, included in regular, full-time tuition, (or *18 credits allotted for specific majors/enrolled terms; see chart below). With this across-the-board 17-credit allotment for undergraduates, all courses are billable and there are no overcredit waivers.
(2) Credit allotments for each major, by semester, are listed in the university catalog. Fall and spring listings are categorized by individual year to demonstrate a traditional, 8-semester/4-year progression to degree completion. There is an update in the definition of 'year of study' to a sequenced count of enrolled semesters at MU, starting with the Admit Term; this replaces the former definition of class standing by earned credits (FR, SO, JR, SR).
(3) Overcredit tuition is now billed per-semester; the system is automated to charge Overcredits each fall and spring term based on current Self Service enrollment. The system will assess eligible charges at the start of the billing cycle in July (fall) and December (spring) and the system will add or reverse charges in real-time according to add/drop activity through the close of the Add/Drop period. Per-semester billing replaces the previous policy of billing Overcredits annually in the spring term.