Student Account Onboarding

The Student Account Suite & Managing Your Account

The Manhattan University (MU) tuition account is accessible to students and  authorized users through the Student Account Suite. It is imperative that the student adds their parent/ guardian or whomever they wish to grant online student account access as a "Designated Authorized User" in the Student Account Suite online billing and payment platform. The Student Account Suite provides students and authorized users the convenience to access the online system at any time to manage and pay their accounts. Once the below steps are completed, students may log into their student account using the University's Self-Service portal.

Tuition Account Onboarding Steps for newly enrolled students

(Complete by June 6, 2025 for Fall 2025)

  • Designate an Authorized User(s) for Student Account Suite access
    (One-time step; Revise any time)

    After logging onto the Student Account Suite, the student will access ‘My Profile Setup’ on the home page.  Next, click on “Authorized Users” to  provide the email address(es) for each User and designate what options the Atuhorized User can access.

    Due to federal student privacy regulations (FERPA), the parent, guardian or other person(s) must be designated as an Authorized User on the Student Account Suite. When access is granted by the student, the Authorized User(s) will receive two emails; the first email alerts them to access being granted and provides their username (their email address). The second email is a temporary password, which will require the creation of a new password for future access. 

  • Accept the Tuition and Liability Agreement
    (Annual step)

    When accessing the Student Account Suite, the student will be met with an agreement that outlines the payment responsibilities that take effect upon enrollment at Manhattan University.  The student is prompted to read, acknowledge and click “I agree” to consent to the agreement. Manhattan University is required to obtain this student consent annually. 

  • Waive or Enroll in the Student Health Insurance
     (Annual; mandatory)

    Starts June 16 and deadline is August 1: The Fall term process becomes available starting on or before June 16th. New students entering in the Fall term will access the portal starting June 16 with a deadline of August 1.

    On the dedicated webpage, click on “Enroll/Waive Coverage” to enter the sponsored online portal. As a first-time user of this insurance portal, on the Login landing page, under 'Getting Started?' students will 'Create a New Account' using their Manhattan University email address Also, upon accessing the Student Account Suite, the student will be met with a pop-up consent and agreement reminder statement to accept by clicking “I acknowledge”.

    In order to stay in compliance with the federal Affordable Care Act, all incoming and returning full-time undergraduate students, degree-seeking international students, resident students, and Division 1 athletic participants are under a mandate to provide proof of adequate health insurance coverage or be enrolled in the university plan. Students under the mandate are set to be automatically enrolled in the Manhattan University Student Health Insurance Plan (MC-SHIP) each academic year unless an approved waiver is issued by the plan administrator by the deadline date of August 1.

    This dedicated webpage provides an introduction and resource information about the comparable coverage requirements, details about the MC-SHIP plan, and a reminder that if you do not waive out of the MC-SHIP by the deadline, students under the mandate criteria will be automatically enrolled, automatically issued an Insurance ID Card, and be fully liable for the charge for the plan that will remain on the student tuition bill.

  • Review Option to purchase the Tuition Insurance Plan
    (Each Semester; Optional)

    Manhattan University has partnered with GradGuard to offer an optional insurance plan, Tuition Protection Plan by Allianz Global Assistance, which helps protect you in cases of accident or illness. Your participation in Tuition Protection Plan is completely voluntary. Manhattan University does not benefit from your participation. 

    On the dedicated webpage ‘Tuition Insurance Plan’, click on the link to be routed to GradGuard’s enrollment page; select ‘Manhattan University’. 

    Enrollment Instructions

    Should you decide to participate in the Tuition Protection Plan, you can learn more about what the plan covers and obtain a quote by calling 877-794-6603 or go to Sign-up is required prior to the first day of classes for each semester.

  • Consent to receive the 1098-T paperless option for tax benefits
    (One-time step)

    When accessing the Student Account Suite, the student will be presented with a prompt to consent to the statement which will allow electronic delivery of the 1098-T statement by clicking “I agree.”

    IRS Form 1098-T contains information to assist you and the IRS in determining if the taxpayer is eligibile for a tax benefit. This dedicated webpage provides additional information and resource links.  

  • Enter Bank Account for eRefund Enrollment
    (One-time; Revise any time)

    When logging in to the Student Account Suite, the student can access the ‘My Profile Setup’ and select “Electronic Refunds” to enter the bank account and routing number from a US bank account they wish funds to be electronically deposited into.

    A refund may be issued if you have financial aid proceeds (with the exception of excess Federal Parent PLUS loans authorized to be issued to the parent only) in excess of your charges, or have a credit balance on your student account due to an overpayment.  These funds are able to be deposited directly into your personal, checking or savings bank account by securely entering the bank account information (account number and routing number) on the Student Account Suite. Parent PLUS loans that are not authorized to be refunded to the student will be refunded to the parent borrower at the address listed on the PLUS Master Promissory Note Application and mailed via US Postal mail.  

Log into Self-Service to Access Tuition Information

Students have an additional access point to view their payment records and other student account information under their Self-Service portal. Students should log in using their JasperNet username and password.

Access the Student Account Suite