Information for Parents


The Specialized Resource Center staff appreciates the support parents provide their children. We invite you to contact us with general inquiries, concerns, or feedback. Transition to university can confuse many students, particularly regarding their eligibility for accommodations. The Specialized Resource Center can offer the best support to the student who recognizes a need for accommodation and is engaged in the interactive process. We realize a parent may want to contact us on behalf of their child during a term. Still, please understand that even when we're arranging and supporting a student's accommodations, it is rare that we know what the student is experiencing day-to-day. University students are considered legal adults with a strong right to privacy. The Specialized Resource Center staff respects this privacy and does not attempt to monitor specific students closely.

Please review our page for Future Students. It provides information regarding documentation guidelines for various disabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Before my student accepts Manhattan University, what accommodations will be offered?

    Because the Specialized Resource Center focuses on our current students' needs, we generally only receive and evaluate documentation once a student has been accepted at Manhattan University, completed the New Student Application, and has (or will soon be) enrolled in courses. The admission process does not include disclosing the need for accommodations.

  • May I assist my student in completing the New Student Application?

    Strong collaboration between the SRC and students is important. We encourage the student to initiate and complete the online New Student Application. Participating in this process allows the student to be more confident in communicating their perspective regarding their need for accommodations.

    Students must meet and engage with the Specialized Resource Center staff to be eligible for academic accommodations and best meet each student's needs. Students have the opportunity to share academic and personal strengths and barriers. The meeting is also a time to discuss policies and procedures and legal information. Documentation needs to be thoroughly reviewed before the one-on-one meeting.

  • Can I request accommodations on behalf of my student?

    No. The student may invite parents to attend intake meetings and share details on what may be helpful, but ultimately, the student will make the decision on which accommodations to request.

  • How long does it take for documentation to be evaluated?

    This depends on when the appropriate, supportive documentation is submitted and when the intake appointment is completed.

    • Documentation submitted during May, June, July, and early August will be evaluated before school starts in August.
    • Documentation submitted during mid-to-late August and September may take two to three weeks of evaluation.
    • Documentation submitted from October through April usually takes one to two weeks to be evaluated.
  • Can I receive a progress report on my student?

    No. Students are considered legal adults at 18 and are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This protects a student’s right to privacy concerning their records. Students can sign a confidential release of information through the Specialized Resource Center to allow information to be shared with parents or another individual providing support to that student.

  • Can you ensure my student keeps up with their work and submit assignments on time?
    No. The Specialized Resource Center's primary role is to support students by providing academic accommodations, coordinating with faculty, and problem-solving any accommodation issues. The Specialized Resource Center does not offer 1:1 support to students in the areas of time management, organization, academic coaching, tutoring, etc. Separate services on campus provide these supports. If the student needs this level of support, connect with Student Support Services, Tutoring Center, etc.
  • How does the process work for transferring my student’s 504 or IEP plan?

    504 and IEP plans are not transferred to college from the K-12 setting. They can be submitted as supporting documentation that aids in determining what accommodations are reasonable for the student in a higher education setting. The Specialized Resource Center needs documentation that specifically addresses the student’s diagnosis and how that diagnosis affects the student academically. Students are asked to have an appropriate licensed clinical professional complete the Specialized Resource Center's Collaborative Document. Submitting the student’s most recent evaluation or assessment is also helpful.

  • My student experiences test anxiety. Is he or she eligible for accommodations?
    Possibly. To receive an accommodation, a student is required to have a documented disability. Under section 504 of the ADA, disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having an impairment. A student experiencing test anxiety needs to have a documented diagnosis, and the diagnosis needs to demonstrate that it substantially limits one or more major life activities for that student. Students who do not have a diagnosed condition and experience test anxiety should reach out to the Specialized Resource Center to receive resources about testing, evaluation services in the area, and counseling support on and off campus.
  • Can a student apply for accommodations at any point?
    Students can connect with the Specialized Resource Center at any point each semester. Students eligible for accommodations are encouraged to connect with the Specialized Resource Center before the start of the semester, as arranging accommodations can be lengthy if the student needs to provide sufficient information demonstrating a need for academic accommodations. It is difficult to process successful accommodations late in the semester. During the final month of each term, intake appointments to determine appropriate accommodations will be conducted to create accommodations for the following academic term. Accommodations are not retroactive, meaning they cannot address an issue that occurred in the past. Accommodations can only address present and future student concerns.
  • How will professors know that my student is eligible for accommodations?
    After meeting with the student and reviewing documentation, if the Director of the Specialized Resource Center recommends accommodations, the Specialized Resource Center will include the eligible accommodations on the student's profile. It is the student’s responsibility to request these accommodations each semester. Once the request is received and reviewed, Auxiliary Aid notifications will be sent to the student’s professors. They will also receive a copy of these notifications as proof that it has been sent. These notifications are valid for the current semester only. Every semester, the student should request a new set of letters.

Things To Keep In Mind

Learning Support

Manhattan University offers hundreds of courses. Nearly all involve brisk learning through lectures, textbooks, and various assignments. The staff at the Specialized Resource Center does not provide support in lessons because students need to attend lectures or read textbooks. However, free tutors are available to all students through the Center for Academic Success, and the staff explains this to students.

Difficult Courses

University courses can go on for many weeks without tests or assignments. This means there are few tests or assignments, but those that occur usually count heavily. Students should be studying daily; there needs to be more information to learn by studying only a day or two before the tests. Similarly, students should start and continue to work on assignments well before their due dates. The staff at the Specialized Resource Center can explain these matters to students, but students need to be self-motivated.


A student's experience with an accommodation and course is largely a private matter. If a problem arises, it can be difficult for anyone else to notice. Because a course usually moves along rapidly, each student must notify a staff member about any problem immediately. The staff will then give prompt attention to the matter. Suppose a student waits to report a problem until it's already causing significant difficulty in a course. In that case, there may be more time to prevent the problem from impacting the student's achievement in that course.

Medical Support

If a student needs any medical support, they should be in contact with Health Services on campus.

Other Support

The staff at the Specialized Resource Center specialize in arranging accommodations. They do not attempt to duplicate services from other Manhattan University offices. For instance, the staff does not attempt to advise students on selecting courses, help them find money for university, or provide personal counseling. This is because other Manhattan University offices can provide expert support. Students can approach the Specialized Resource Center for friendly support on virtually anything, but the staff may need to refer them elsewhere for the best solutions.