Language Placement Assessment

All incoming students in the Kakos School of Arts and Sciences are required to take the Language Placement Assessment for the language they wish to study. Please note that accepted students will need to complete the Language Placement Assessment to receive a class schedule.

Why take the language placement assessment? The Manhattan University faculty and advisors will use your assessment results to determine your level of language proficiency when creating your class schedule. 

Who needs to take the language placement assessment? All new incoming Kakos Arts and Science majors. Engineering or Business students considering taking language classes must also take the language assessment. 

When will I receive my class schedule? You will receive your class schedule during the Summer Orientation program. Please contact Academic Advising if you have any questions about class scheduling.

Students will be taken to Moodle where they will complete the assessments for French, Italian, Japanese, or Spanish languages here: 

COMPLETE THE Language Placement Assessment

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities seeking accommodations for the Language Placement Assessment must have approval from the Specialized Resource Center (SRC). Students must submit disability documentation to the SRC for approval prior to logging in to take the assessment. Please allow enough time to review documentation and determine if accommodations are appropriate.

Please contact the SRC at