Do I have to accept an offer, if I have several interviews scheduled?
No, you can let the employer know that you have other interviews scheduled and if you can get back to them within the week. However, once you accept an offer you should stop interviewing.
When are the deadlines to apply for an internship?
The deadline to apply to an internship varies. Some organizations recruit much earlier than others. These organizations are usually very structured and competitive. If you are seeking a spring or summer internship, the best time to start is in the fall semester.
Can I earn credit for my internship experience?
Students seeking credit should contact the chairperson of their academic department for approval, and you must also notify CCD. Engineering students may not receive college credit because the School of Engineering does not award credit for internships.
What is the deadline to register for an internship for credit or non-credit?
Students should try to register for an internship by the end of the add-drop week. If additional time is needed in order to finalize the internship, students may take up to the end of the third week of the semester with the approval of their Dean. No internship will be approved after that deadline.
I did not get my internship through the college, could I still add the internship to my transcript?
Yes, you must bring the job description to CCD for approval and you will be registered for the zero credit internship.
Are all internships paid?
Some industries typically do not pay interns, but offer a small stipend or require that the student earn academic credit. Other industries do pay interns an hourly wage.
Can I stay on campus during the summer while I do my internship?
Yes, but your internship must be approved by either your academic department (if receiving college credit) or CCD (if you are NOT receiving credit). CCD will notify Residence Life once your internship has been approved and you will have to complete a form for Residence Life and pay the housing fee.
What if I am experiencing discrimination or sexual harassment on the job?
You should speak to your career counselor immediately. We take this very seriously and will take immediate action.
What if I need time off?
If you need time off for exams or personal reasons, ask your supervisor in advance. If you are ill, notify your supervisor early in the morning.
How do I end my internship?
Once you have completed your minimum commitment, then you should give your employer at least two weeks notice before your last day. If you have been in your internship less than the time required you must discuss your situation with your career counselor.