Undergraduate Events

Spring Honors Convocation

Friday, May 16, 2025, 11:00 a.m.

The Spring Honors Convocation is an invitation-only event celebrating students' academic achievements. It will be held in Draddy Gymnasium, and tickets are required. Visit the event page for more information.

learn more about spring honors

Baccalaureate Mass

Saturday, May 17, 2025, 10:00 a.m. 

The Mass is a non-ticketed event. All graduating students and their guests are encouraged to attend. 

Undergraduate Commencement

Commencement is open to all students who have graduated with a degree in September 2024, December 2024, and February 2025 or who will graduate in May 2025. There are no additional ceremonies held during September, December, or February. 

All eligible students can participate in the May 2025 Commencement, except those who participated in a previous Commencement ("walkers").


Saturday, May 17, 2025

Noon Graduates report to designated assembly areas
12:30 p.m. Doors open for seating in Draddy Gymnasium - tickets are required for all guests
1:30 p.m. Procession and Ceremony begin
  • Tickets / Graduation Clearance Checklist

    Tickets will be required to attend the Commencement ceremony. Graduates will receive up to five guest tickets. Graduates do not need a ticket for themselves. There is no charge for tickets. Tickets will be made available later in the spring. Children under 2 years old may attend without their own ticket, but they must sit on a parent or guardian's lap and may not occupy their own seat. 

    You must complete the following to be eligible to purchase your academic attire and receive your graduation tickets:

    Graduation Clearance Checklist

    You may log on to Self-Service beginning March 7, 2025, to review your graduation checklist. Your checklist outlines the requirements you need to complete BEFORE March 28, 2025, to be eligible to receive your graduation tickets. Once you have completed the checklist, you will receive a separate email, the week of April 10th, with information on how to retrieve your digital tickets. The checklist items include: 
    Tuition Balance*
    Pay all outstanding tuition balances 
    Senior Survey*
    Complete the Qualtrics senior survey  
    Exit Loan Counseling
    Only students who have borrowed Federal Direct Stafford Loans and Federal TEACH Grants are required to complete the exit loan counseling
    *symbol represents a requirement. For questions please contact JasperCentral (Student Accounts, Registrar & Financial Aid) at jaspercentral@manhattan.edu, or 718-862-7100.
  • Cap and Gown Distribution

    Cap and gownOnly students who have completed their graduation clearance will be eligible to purchase academic attire.  Academic attire is required to participate in the commencement  ceremony.

    Caps and gowns must be ordered online in advance. 

    Deadlines to order your regalia 

    March 24, 2025: DEADLINE to order for Grad Fair pick up. Regalia packages will be distributed at the Manhattan University Grad Fair on April 23rd, from 12 - 4 p.m., at Kelly Commons, second-floor lounge.

    Ship-to-home options are also available. 

    April 21, 2025: DEADLINE to order for ship-to-home. (S&H fee applies) 

    Please order your regalia at this link: 

    order your cap and gown


    Recognized clubs and academic honor societies may apply for permission to wear cords at Commencement by emailing the office of the Provost at commencementcords@manhattan.edu.

  • Diploma Distribution

    Diplomas will be mailed to students' home addresses on file with the University in June. Students will also be sent a digital diploma that can be used for all social media outlets.

    Students will be able to confirm and/or update their mailing address in the 72 hours following the email notification of the digital diploma. This will ensure diplomas are delivered to the correct addresses.

    For any questions, please email jaspercentral@manhattan.edu

  • Official College Photography & Videography

    Individual Student Photos

    Professional Commencement Photos will be provided by Island Photography. Each graduate will be photographed twice, once as they are recognized on stage and again in a portrait-style photo after they exit the stage. Within 48 hours, you will receive proofs by email allowing you to view and order photos. There is no obligation to purchase. Please contact their customer service team if you have any questions or concerns at 800-869-0908 or custserv@islandphoto.com

    General Commencement Photos

    University photographers and videographers will be active throughout the day. Photos will be posted to manhattan.photoshelter.com several days after the event. High-resolution photos can be downloaded free of charge.

    Guest Photography

    Guests who will be taking photographs during Commencement may not enter the aisles at any time during the academic procession. Also, no one is permitted to enter the student seating area for any reason. Please be mindful not to obstruct the view of other guests as you are taking photos. 

    Senior Portraits

    All graduating undergraduate students can take a senior portrait with Excelsior Image Company. There is usually one make-up day when the photographer is also available. To schedule an appointment for a portrait, log into Excelsior Image Company's website using the password "TBD."

    For dates and more information, please contact the Office of Student Engagement at  studentengagement@manhattan.edu

  • Commencement Speaker