Online Resources

Our Online Resources for forms and processes that we have migrated to an online format can be found below.

Forms & Links

  • MBA internship information and self service
    1. Login to your MU e-mail account
    2. Compose a new e-mail message to
    3. Put the word "info" (without the quotes) into the subject line of the e-mail message.
    4. Send the e-mail message
    5. Within a minute or two you should receive an e-mail containing links to the internship documentation and application.
    6. Once the internship application has been approved you can register for the internship.

    Self-Service Course Terms (CRN, Section, Department & Course #)

    Screen shot of the information on the course description


  • Spring 2021 - Special Topics (MBA 645) Course Descriptions

    Strategic Management Science - CRN: 4086 - MBA 645 - 61

    Business analytics has changed the way business executives make strategic decisions. This course is designed to introduce students to quantitative modeling for strategic decision-making. The course covers applications for various business areas with emphasis on Finance. Applications include decision analysis, simulation, and mathematical programming. The course focuses on the process of understanding, structuring, and solving business issues as well as interpreting the solutions. The focus is also on effective communication of analytical results in the context of realistic applications/cases.

    Pre or Corequisite: MBA 617 (Decision Modeling With Spreadsheets)

    Human Resource Management: Functions, Systems, and Analytics - CRN: 4250 - MBA 645 - 63

    This course will provide a fairly complete understanding of the role of the function of HR in any organization and how it must leverage the use of supportive HR TECHNOLOGY to accomplish strategic initiatives. It focuses on understanding the role of Human Capital Management systems in support of specific functions and processes within the HR function such as recruiting, performance management, benefits administration and government compliance, as well as an understanding of the overall objective of the function itself in helping any organization achieve and maintain success and profitability and viability. Additionally the FEATURES, FUNCTIONS, UNDERLYING DATA, DELIVERY OF INFORMATION via REPORTING, METRICS AND PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS based on effective management and use of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS typically provided by well established HR Technology providers will be explored.

    Real Estate Development - CRN: 4087 - MBA 645 - 62

    This course offers a thorough study of real estate development, finance and investment. It offers a step-by-step analysis of the phases utilized in the real estate development process including conceptualization, site acquisition, zoning and permits, planning and design, the construction process, budgeting, financing, and financial reporting and evaluation. It includes an overview of the major types of valuation methods and approaches used for analyzing the main categories of real properties. Leadership, management and control of the development team are also featured topics.

    MBA Students will learn the details of the development of an affordable housing structure, including applying for Low Income Housing Tax Credits. MBA Students will be instructed in the process of developing a sustainable building in accordance with Enterprise Green Communities guidelines. Students will learn the details of condo and co-op development, including underwriting and financial feasibility analysis. MBA Students will review and critique a real estate market study. In addition, MBA students will also engage in a case study in which they will conceive of and develop a mixed-use building.
  • Finance and Economics Concentration Requirements

    Capstone - 1 course -3 credits

    1. MBAC 622 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

    Core - 6 courses - 18 credits

    1. MBA 617 Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets
    2. MBA 618 Financial Management
    3. MBA 630 Accounting for Business Decision Making
    4. MBA 635 Managerial Economics
    5. MBA 637 Marketing Strategy and the Consumer Experience
    6. MBA 710 Professional Ethics

    Concentration - 4 courses - 12 credits

    Choose any 4 of the following to fulfill the concentration requirements:

    1. MBA 616 Stock Market & Corp Valuation (Offered Winter 20/21)
    2. MBA 626 Environmental Economics and Policy
    3. MBA 638 Markets, States, and Policies in the Global Economy (Offered Winter 20/21)
    4. MBA 639 Corporate Finance (Offered Spring 2021)
    5. MBA 601 Internship
    6. MBA 602 Research
    7. MBA 645 Spl Tpc: Real Estate Development (Offered Spring 2021 - See Special Topics Description)

    Elective - 1 course -3 credits

    Any approved course that does not already fulfill one of your capstone, core, or concentration requirements.

  • Business Analytics Concentration Requirements

    Capstone - 1 course -3 credits

    1. MBAC 622 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

    Core - 6 courses - 18 credits

    1. MBA 617 Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets
    2. MBA 618 Financial Management
    3. MBA 630 Accounting for Business Decision Making
    4. MBA 635 Managerial Economics
    5. MBA 637 Marketing Strategy and the Consumer Experience
    6. MBA 710 Professional Ethics

    Concentration - 4 courses - 12 credits

    Choose any 4 of the following to fulfill the concentration requirements:

    1. MBA 611 Advanced Data Analysis
    2. MBA 615 Computing in R
    3. MBA 620 Advanced Data & Information Management
    4. MBA 646 Project Management
    5. MBA 601 Internship
    6. MBA 602 Research
    7. MBA 645 Spl Tpc: Strategic Management Science (Offered Spring 2021 - See Special Topics Description)
    8. MATG 659 Data Base Methods for Analytics (Offered Spring 2021 - Graduate Math Department)

    Elective - 1 course -3 credits

    Any approved course that does not already fulfill one of your capstone, core or concentration requirements.

  • Professional Accounting Requirements

    Capstone - 1 course -3 credits (click to expand)

    1. MBAC 622 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

    Core - 6 courses - 18 credits

    1. MBA 617 Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets
    2. MBA 618 Financial Management
    3. MBA 635 Managerial Economics
    4. MBA 637 Marketing Strategy and the Consumer Experience
    5. MBA 710 Professional Ethics
    6. MBA 720 Advanced Strategic Management

    Accounting - 4 courses - 12 credits

    1. ACCT 609 Information Technology Assurance and Audit
    2. ACCT 610 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting (Offered Spring 2021)
    • Two of the following:
      1. ACCT 611 Tax Research (Offered Spring 2021)
      2. ACCT 608 Accounting Theory and Research
      3. MBA 621 Reading/Cases in Financial Reporting
      4. MBA 601 Internship

    Elective - 1 course -3 credits

    Any approved course that does not already fulfill one of your capstone, core or concentration requirements.


  • Organizations, Markets & Sustainability Concentration Requirements

    Capstone - 1 course -3 credits

    1. MBAC 622 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

    Core - 6 courses - 18 credits

    1. MBA 617 Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets
    2. MBA 618 Financial Management
    3. MBA 630 Accounting for Business Decision Making
    4. MBA 635 Managerial Economics
    5. MBA 637 Marketing Strategy and the Consumer Experience
    6. MBA 710 Professional Ethics

    Concentration - 4 courses - 12 credits

    Choose any 4 of the following to fulfill the concentration requirements:

    1. MBA 624 Going Global: Business and Society (Offered Spring 2021)
    2. MBA 625 Creativity for Entrepreneurs
    3. MBA 631 Innovation Management
    4. MBA 633 Managing/Marketing Service Business
    5. MBA 636 Supply Chain Analysis
    6. MBA 720 Advanced Strategic Management (Offered Spring 2021)
    7. MBA 601 Internship
    8. MBA 602 Research
    9. MBA 645 Spl Tpc: Human Resource Management (Offered Spring 2021 - See Special Topics Description)

    Elective - 1 course -3 credits

    Any approved course that does not already fulfill one of your capstone, core, or concentration requirements.

  • Flex MBA (without Concentration) Requirements

    Capstone - 1 course -3 credits

    1. MBAC 622 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

    Core - 6 courses - 18 credits

    1. MBA 617 Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets
    2. MBA 618 Financial Management
    3. MBA 630 Accounting for Business Decision Making
    4. MBA 635 Managerial Economics
    5. MBA 637 Marketing Strategy and the Consumer Experience
    6. MBA 710 Professional Ethics

    Flex MBA Option - 4 courses - 12 credits

    Four additional MBA courses chosen from the concentration and elective courses

    Elective - 1 course -3 credits

    Any approved course that does not already fulfill one of your capstone, core or flex MBA requirements.