Professional Development

quoteThere are numerous Lasallian formation programs and opportunities for our faculty, staff, and students who want to further engage with and learn more about the University's Lasallian mission.

Many of the faculty and staff programs are held during the summer at various locations around the country, while others occur on campus throughout the academic year. The student opportunities are generally available on campus throughout the academic year. 

Funding is available to support participation in certain programs. See more information below or contact the Office of Mission, at HERE or 718-862-7142 to learn about how to get involved. 

For New Employees

All new employees are invited to learn about Manhattan University's unique mission and Lasallian Catholic heritage by participating in the following programs:

  • Orientation

    Annual orientation sessions are held each fall for new faculty, staff and administrators. The Office of Mission hosts a portion of these orientation sessions to introduce new employees to aspects of the Lasallian Catholic core identity of Manhattan University and how the network of 64 members of the International Association of Lasallian Universities is an asset to the work we do. 

    Event details for orientation sessions are sent out to all new employees directly. 

  • College Core Identity Seminars (CCIS)

    College Core Identity Seminars (CCIS) are offered for faculty, staff, and administrators throughout the year. These seminars offer an overview on topics including:

    • Lasallian Heritage and Values
    • Catholic Intellectual Tradition and Catholic Social Teaching

    Event details are sent out to employees via campus announcements and emails. 

Ongoing Opportunities

Employees are further encouraged and supported to more deeply engage with the distinctive Lasallian Catholic nature of the identity and mission of the University.  A host of on-campus, national, and international personal formation and professional development programs are offered to employees, primarily through the Office of Mission. Please review some of our offerings:
  • Buttimer Institute for Lasallian Studies

    Buttimer Institute LogoWhen:

    Sunday, June 2024 


    Manhattan University


    One of the premier programs for professional development consistent with the Lasallian mission of Manhattan University is the Buttimer Institute for Lasallian Studies.  This Institute enrolls 120 Lasallian educations from countries such as Jamaica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Benin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, India, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as the United States and Canada who are involved in colleges and universities as well as middle schools, secondary schools, special education centers, and child and family service agencies. 

    The Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies, a residential course of study meets for two weeks each summer for a three-year period. It is an intensive Lasallian formation and education program that studies the life, work, and spirituality of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the origins of the Lasallian mission. Through analysis of the writings of De la Salle and an analysis of some modern educators, participants deepen their understanding of the Lasallian heritage and its influence on contemporary education.

    For Whom:

    Participation in the Buttimer Institute is open to faculty, staff, and administrators.


  • Collegium Colloquy


    Collegium seminars bring together scholars from a diversity of colleges and universities across the United States and Canada interested in exploring aspects of the Catholic intellectual tradition, and their role in the mission of Catholic higher education.  Its general focus is on the multiple traditions that comprise "the Catholic imagination." Some mentors are faculty from faith traditions other than the Catholic tradition who have chosen to live out an academic vocation in a Catholic environment, while others are Catholic scholars who have pursued teaching in a secular setting. Participants engage texts and in dialogue to explore some of the most compelling aspects of the Catholic intellectual tradition and to develop their own sense of vocation as intellectuals in a contemporary context. The program welcomes participants from all religious denominations as well as all academic disciplines. The curriculum includes both academic discussions and opportunities for personal and collaborative discernment about participants' future goals. Further information and a description of the week-long program are available by going to 

    For Whom:

    The Collegium seminars are designed for faculty and university leaders.

    Click here to view the previous MU Collegium Participants

    How to Apply:

    For date, location, and application Click Here

  • IALU: International Lasallian University Leadership Program


    June 2024


    Rome, Italy


    The IALU Leadership Program, a two-week seminar held annually at the international Lasallian Generalate in Rome, Italy, brings together educators from Lasallian universities to deepen understanding of and commitment to Lasallian partnership by study of the Lasallian charism, the Catholic intellectual tradition, and the international Lasallian educational network.

    The IALU program is designed for university faculty and administrators. 

    Click Here to learn more and apply.