The presentation of Distinguished Lasallians of the Year Awards is one of the highlights of the annual convocations of the faculty, staff and administrators. In addition, the Distinguished Lasallians of the Year are recognized on the regional and international level by the District of Eastern North America (DENA) of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the North American Region of Lasallians (RELAN) respectively.
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What Do the Awards Represent?
Established in 1987, each year as part of the global Lasallian educational movement, Manhattan University seeks nominations for our Distinguished Lasallians of the year. The award is named for Saint John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers, educational innovator, and founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (commonly known as De La Salle Christian Brothers). Manhattan University was founded by the Brothers in 1853 and owes its distinctively unique Lasallian heritage to the first founding Brothers and the many Brothers, faculty, staff and administrators who have since served the University.
Who Are Distinguished Lasallians?
Distinguished Lasallians are people who exemplify the highest of Lasallian values to students, colleagues, and community members. They are persons of faith who teach by example and give life to the Lasallian values that animate and sustain the core identity that inspires the mission of Manhattan University as a Lasallian Catholic university.