Study Hall Requirements
1. Both incoming Freshmen and Transfer students are required to complete three hours of study hall per week for the first semester. Continuing students with a 2.59 and below are required to complete three hours of study hall per week as well. Incoming students have their first semester to meet the study hall requirements of SAASS and their team policy to test out of study hall. Study Hall is to be completed in the SAASS Study Hall Room (THO 3.23). A one (1) hour MINIMUM is required each time you sign in.
2. Presidential Scholarships are awarded to highly qualified students in the top 15% of the Manhattan University applicant pool. As incoming freshmen, if you receive the Presidential Scholarship, you are exempt from study hall for your first semester.
Study Hall Hours
Mandatory study hall hours must be completed during the following times:
Sunday: 12:00PM – 8:00PM
Monday – Thursday: 9:00AM – 8:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Hours may be completed in the Center for Academic Success or under the supervision of a SAASS staff member. A one (1) hour MINIMUM is required each time you sign in. You may log a MAXIMUM of three (3) hours per day. This can be done in three (3) consecutive hours or in three separate one (1) hour time blocks. The following activities will count toward study hall hours:
- Tutor Appointment
- Writing Center Appointments
- SI Sessions
As always, a one (1) hour minimum is required. Study hall will begin the 2nd week of each semester (once Add/Drop ends) and ends the week before final exams begin.
All student-athletes with a 2.2 CUM GPA and below are required to do their study hall hours while SAASS staff in the office. If you are having trouble finding time to complete your required study hall hours during this time, please see your SAASS staff member and they will assist you in setting up a schedule.
All student-athletes MUST have a working Manhattan University ID card to sign into study hall. Student-athletes will swipe themselves in and then hand their ID card to the student worker at the front desk where it will remain until they are ready to leave. Once you are ready to leave study hall, the student worker will sign them out and give them their ID card back.
In order to ensure study hall is conducive to academic work (quiet, not over crowded, etc.), study hall will be capped at 25 student-athletes. If there are already 25 student-athletes when you arrive, you will be asked to return at another time. If you are having trouble finding time to complete your required study hall hours, please see your SAASS staff member and they will assist you in setting up a schedule.
Emergencies and extenuating circumstances are the only acceptable reasons for not completing the five (5) hours during the week. These should be discussed with your SAASS staff member and the student-athlete, not a parent or coach. DO NOT BRING FORTH ANY OTHER EXCUSE, as it will not be accepted. You must learn to manage your time and plan accordingly each week for all of your activities, interests and requirements. Our office will assist you with this if you are having difficulty.
Study hall attendance reports will be sent to coaches at 9:00AM on Monday mornings. All study hall hours must be completed before 5:00PM on Friday. Consequences for those who do not complete their required hours of study hall each week during the current semester are as follows:
First time: Action taken by coach (documented to the academic advisor).
Second time: Action taken by coach (documented to the academic advisor), plus 1 additional study hall hour the following week. If the respective hours plus the 1 additional hour is not completed in the following week, the student will be at his/her third offense.
Third time: Action taken by coach (documented to the academic advisor), plus 2 additional study hall hours the following week. If the respective hours plus 2 additional hours are not completed in the following week, the student will be at his/her fourth offense.
Fourth time: Meeting with sport administrator, potential suspension from the next regular-season competition.
Fifth time: Meeting with Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, potential suspension from all team activities for one calendar week during his/her regular season
If a student-athlete does not meet their required hours more than five (5) times, they will be referred to the Athletic Director/Athletic Administration for further consequences.
**In extenuating circumstances such as team travel (for a number of days during the week) and championship events, the coach can contact the academic advisor to discuss the required hours for that particular week.
Study Hall Rules
- Be respectful of your fellow Jaspers! You are responsible for utilizing this time and will be asked to leave immediately and will not receive credit for the session you are attending if you deny anyone else the opportunity to be productive.
- You are responsible for signing in and out of study hall by swiping in with your student ID or speaking with the monitor or advisor present. If you sign out prior to completing the one (1) hour minimum, you will not receive credit for the time. You may stay a maximum of three (3) hours.
- You must be present in study hall. If you sign into study hall and leave for more than 10 minutes, you will be automatically signed out. A student-athlete will not be permitted to sign in and then visit another office on campus (professor, coach, trainer, etc.).
- Come prepared to work: textbooks, notebooks, laptops, etc.
- Study hall is to remain quiet (unless working with a tutor or supplemental instructor). This time is dedicated to school work!
- Cell phones must be off and away.
- No hats, hoods or headphones. Should your work require you to utilize headphones, you should let the monitor know and keep the volume low, as to not bother other students.
- No social media! Non-academic use of computers/laptops is NOT ALLOWED. If you are caught using the computer for any other reason than schoolwork, you will be signed out of study hall without your knowledge and lose the hours.
- Due to busy schedules, you are permitted to eat in study hall but please be courteous of those around you. Be sure to throw away all garbage and clean up your area when finished. NO EATING AT THE COMPUTERS.
- Always assume you have to complete all of your study hall hours every week, even on short academic weeks. SAASS staff will inform you and the coaching staff otherwise if there is a reduction of hours (ex. during holiday week). DO NOT call/text/email your SAASS staff member to ask, they will let you know!
- No unauthorized guests allowed in study hall.
- All personal belongings (including athletic equipment) must be kept neatly tucked away under a desk.
*Violating any study hall rule will result in dismissal from study hall and loss of any hours completed.