Study Hall
Both incoming Freshmen and Transfer students are required to complete three hours of study hall per week for the first semester. Continuing students with a 2.59 and below are required to complete three hours of study hall per week as well. Incoming students have their first semester to meet the study hall requirements of SAASS and their team policy to test out of study hall. Study Hall is to be completed in the SAASS Study Hall Room (O'Malley 103). A one (1) hour MINIMUM is required each time you sign in. The following activities will count toward study hall hours:
Academic Meetings
SAASS staff meets with all incoming freshmen and transfer student-athletes to ensure they transition successfully into the university. Transfers who are doing well when midterm grades are posted, no longer need to meet. SAASS staff meets with all at-risk continuing student-athletes who have an earned cumulative gpa of a 2.39 and below on a weekly basis. SAASS staff meets with all at-risk student-athletes who have an earned cumulative GPA between a 2.4-2.59 on a bi-weekly basis. Any student-athlete who likes the structure of the meetings, they are able to still meet with their advisor.