
The Center for Career Development works with employers to assist them in hiring our students for jobs and internships.

Job and Internship Posting Board: Handshake 

Handshake is Manhattan University’s primary career platform.  Here employers can post internships and jobs, as well as sign up for on-campus recruiting and career fairs.

Log In To Handshake

If you have any problems creating your account, visit the Handshake Support Center or email us at careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu

Career Fairs

Career fairs at Manhattan University are an excellent opportunity for employers to meet students from a variety of majors and disciplines, as well as increase company visibility and branding on campus. Register by logging into Handshake and conducting a search under “career fairs and events” to find events. 

Limited booths are available. Please register as soon as possible to secure your table.

For additional questions about career fairs, contact us at careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu.

Interested in becoming an Event Sponsor? 
Please contact Career Development at careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu
or 718-862-7224 to discuss your specific interest in the Employer Partnership Program.
Employer Cancellation & Refund Policy: Should you wish to cancel your registration, employers paying by credit card will receive a refund of 95% of the total amount paid (to cover credit card processing fees that the university incurs) if cancellation occurs at least one week (7 days) before the event commences. Employers paying by check will receive a full refund if cancellation occurs at least one week before the event commences. Should we be notified of cancellation after the one week time period, no refund will be paid regardless of payment method and registration fees will still be due even if they have not yet been paid.



Upcoming Career Fairs 

Spring CAREER FAIR 2025
Date & Time 
  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025
  • 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm 5th Floor Kelly
  • $375 - Standard/For-Profit
  • $275 - Non-Profit (Human Services, Education, Government)



Registration/Payment Deadline: Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Date & Time 
  • Tuesday, September 30, 2025
  • 12:00 - 4:00 pm  Draddy Gymnasium 
  • TBD - Standard/For-Profit
  • TBD - Non-Profit (Human Services, Education, Government)


Click Here To Register

Registration/Payment Deadline: TBD


On-Campus Recruitment/Interviews

You can conduct interviews on-campus from our designated interview rooms during the academic year by logging in to Handshake and clicking on “Create New Schedule Request” to request an available date. We recommend that you arrange a date by the end of August for fall recruiting, and by mid-January for spring recruiting.

 If you have any questions about on-campus recruiting, please contact   careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu.

  • On -Campus Recruiting Policies for Employers, Students and Alumni

    I. Policy Statement

    Our goal at The Center for Career Development (CCD) is to partner with employers to recruit talented Manhattan University students and alumni. The following policies are designed to create a productive recruiting experience for employers and Manhattan University students and alumni participating in On-Campus Recruiting.

    II. Reason for Policy

    The following policies ensure that the process is fair for both employers and students/alumni. Participating in CCD recruiting (whether on or off campus) is contingent on the agreement to abide by the following policies and procedures. Failure to comply may result in the loss of recruiting privileges for employer or student.

    III. Entities Affected by This Policy

    All Units of the Univeristy

    IV. Who Should Read This Policy

    All employers who wish to recruit Manhattan University students and alumni and all Manhattan University students and alumni.

    V. University Policies

    Employer Policies and Procedures

    Our goal at The Center for Career Development (CCD) is to partner with employers to recruit talented Manhattan University students and alumni. The following policies ensure that the process is fair for both employers and students/alumni. Employer participation in CCD recruiting (whether on or off campus) is contingent on the agreement to abide by the following policies and procedures. Employers recruiting at Manhattan University must abide by the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) guidelines, the National Association of Universitys and Employment Professionals (NACE) and the following policies:

    The Center for Career Development reserves the right to refuse to post a position if it is not deemed suitable for our student participants and will investigate any allegation that an employer or employer representative has violated University policies, ethical or professional standards, or federal or state law.

    General Employment Policies

    Second Round Interviews

    Employers should provide students/alumni with a sufficient notice of a second round interview and must accommodate student requests for alternate second round interview dates if they present a legitimate scheduling conflict (i.e. class, work assignment, previously scheduled interview).

    Offer and Acceptance

    In order to provide students/alumni with sufficient time to complete their employment search and make informed decisions, employers must abide by the following deadlines outlined below. The following deadlines start upon receipt of a written offer for employment to the student. Employers who violate this policy will be subject to penalties which may include suspension from On-Campus Recruiting.

    Exploding offers will not be tolerated and could result in a suspension from Handshake recruiting. Sign-on bonuses should be honored whenever the student accepts the offer.

    Rescheduling or Canceling

    A last minute cancellation of an interview schedule is an inconvenience to students and can damage the reputation of the Center for Career Development. For these reasons, please follow the following guidelines if you must cancel or change your interview schedule.

    • If Employers must cancel their interview session date they need to inform the Recruitment Coordinator immediately. Employers are also required to send an email or letter of explanation to any scheduled student that details your future recruiting plans. A copy of this communication should be provided to the Recruitment Coordinator. 
    • Recruiters who are late for interviews and/or need to leave before the completion of their interview schedule, without prior notice, are held to the same guidelines as above for canceled schedules.

    Removal of Students/Alumni from Interview Schedules

    Employers who may have any concerns about students/alumni scheduled to interview must contact the Recruitment Coordinator immediately before asking students/alumni to remove themselves from interview schedules. The Center for Career Development staff will work directly with you to determine the appropriate course of action. 

    Third-party Recruiters

    Third party agencies can only post positions on Handshake for the students we serve if:

    • They are actively recruiting for a bona fide employment opportunity that is appropriate for the skill sets and experience of the students served by the Center for Career Development on behalf of an employer AND
    • The position is posted on Handshake and/or relevant alumni job boards. 

    The Center for Career Development reserves the right to make a determination of the appropriateness of the positions being offered for the populations it serves.

    Commission-Based Sales Positions

    Employers offering positions that provide compensation that is 100% commission based can offer these positions under the following conditions:

    • The compensation is clearly disclosed in the position description AND 
    • The position is posted on Handshake and/or relevant alumni job boards. 

    Positions Requiring Candidates to Invest, Purchase Supplies or Pay a Fee

    Any employer requiring candidates to invest, purchase supplies or pay a fee as a condition of employment are prohibited from posting on Handshake or participating in On-Campus recruiting activities.

    Job Banks

    Resume solicitation from third-party job search sites is prohibited via Handshake or on-campus recruiting activity.

    Rescinding or Deferring Employment

    Employers needing to rescind or defer employment should carefully review the guidelines and follow the NACE recommendations issued in 2002 in their Position Statement on Rescinded and Deferred Employment Offers.

    The NACE guidelines urge employers to adopt a two-part approach to employment offers under consideration for revocation. The first emphasizes the need for a commitment to high standards in recruiting. The second offers a reasoned approach to dealing with rescinded and deferred offers.

    NACE recommends that employers who must revoke a commitment to do everything possible to avoid rescinding offers, to consider alternatives that do not require rescinding employment offers. These may include changes in job responsibilities, salary reduction and/or reduced workweeks, changes in job locale, delayed starting dates, and other reasonable options.

    For candidates whose start dates are deferred:

    • Provide services to aid the candidates in securing other employment. 
    • Provide financial assistance if the deferral will be longer than three months. 
    • Communicate to candidates as soon as possible. 
    • Contact the Career Center. 

    Stay in communication with candidates and the Career Center regarding start dates.

    The Center for Career Development expects all employers to treat candidates in an ethical manner. We reserve the right to deny access to on-campus recruiting to any employers who we determine have not conducted their recruiting efforts ethically.

    NACE Principles for Professional Conduct

    All employment professionals participating in our recruiting program are required to work within a framework of professionally accepted recruiting, interviewing and selection techniques as stipulated in the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice.


    Alcohol is prohibited in the Employment Recruiting Process. As a member of the National Association of Universitys and Employers (NACE), Manhattan University also abides by the Principles for Professional Conduct. The Principles document explains why serving alcohol to job candidates is inappropriate and inadvisable. The principle states, "Serving alcohol should not be part of the recruitment process." Open bars, paid bars, and holding recruiting events in a bar are all inappropriate. Failure to abide by this principle will place the employer in violation of the stated policy. Employers not following the policy can be barred from recruiting at Manhattan University. Recruiter's names can also be brought to the attention of their superiors and the company can be shared within the NACE community as not following this guideline, endangering students and having been barred from Manhattan University. For further information, please read the Principles for Professional Conduct document in its entirety. 

    Discrimination and Harassment Policy

    Manhattan University is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. Consistent with this commitment and with applicable federal, state and local laws, it is the policy of the University as both an educational institution and an employer to prohibit unlawful discrimination and harassment and to provide faculty, students, and staff who believe that they may be the victims of either with mechanisms for seeking restitution.

    Student/Alumni Policies and Procedures

    All students and alumni have the opportunity to interview with and/or send their résumé to participating employers for entry-level full-time positions, internships and part-time positions through Handshake, the official job-listing and résumé database for Manhattan University. This online system, used by many colleges and universities across the country, allows students and alumni 24/7 access to information about all on-campus recruiting events, job postings and interview opportunities. In order to maximize opportunities for students and alumni and preserve the integrity of the recruiting program, the Center for Career Development has developed the set of policies and expectations below. Failure to comply may result in the loss of recruiting privileges.


    In order to be eligible, you must complete the following:

    • Sign up for Handshake access.
    • Have your résumé reviewed by a career counselor.
    • Submit a copy of your approved résumé onto Handshake.
    • Update your LinkedIn profile and Handshake profile to accurately represent your academic and personal history.
    • Alumni participation in On Campus Recruitment will be determined on a case by case basis.

    For more information, please email careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu.

    In order to maximize opportunities for students and alumni and preserve the integrity of the recruiting program, the Center for Career Development has developed the set of policies and expectations below. Failure to comply may result in the loss of recruiting privileges.

    By setting up an account on Handshake you are agreeing to follow the policies set forth in order to participate in our On-Campus Recruiting program.

    • I am using my own account and have not allowed/will not allow anyone else to use my account.
    • I will research companies that I am interested in and will not indiscriminately send out mass resumes to all companies.
    • I will not misrepresent my academic or personal information in the recruiting process including GPA, date of graduation, and work status.
    • If I need to cancel an interview, I will do so at least two complete business days before the day of the interview. In case of an emergency, I will CALL ASAP.
    • I will not schedule interview times back-to-back (e.g. 10:00am, 10:30am) to ensure that I have sufficient time if an interviewer is running late.
    • I will not show up late or miss an interview time slot. In case of an emergency, I will CALL ASAP.
    • I will carefully consider my offer(s).
    • Once I have made a final decision on the offer I will accept, I will not withdraw my acceptance of that offer.


    • Before submitting your resume to an organization, you should have your resume reviewed by a career counselor, thoroughly research the organization and the position requirements to see if the opportunity is something in which you are sincerely interested. You are not permitted to indiscriminately send out mass resumes to our employers, as it will damage your professional reputation and weaken the overall perception of Manhattan University students.
    • Similarly, employers expect you to come prepared for interviews. This includes an understanding of the industry, their organization, and the position for which you are applying. You are expected to research and prepare for interviews in advance and are encouraged to utilize the Center for Career Development's interview preparation resources if you are not confident in your ability to perform well in an interview.


    • When you cancel interviews with insufficient time for the slot to be filled by another candidate, you are damaging your own reputation, adversely affecting other Manhattan University students, and wasting the time of employers. Students/alumni participating in CCD's on-campus recruiting program are required to give two full business days' notice to cancel an interview. Otherwise, you will be subject to immediate consequences, which may include suspension of recruiting privileges.
    • Arriving late or failure to appear for a scheduled interview is a serious breach of professional ethics. If you arrive late or do not show up for an on-campus interview, you will be subject to immediate consequences, which may include suspension of recruiting privileges.

    Accepting an Offer

    • Students/alumni are expected to carefully consider their offer(s). In order to provide students/alumni with enough time to complete their employment search and make an informed decision, employers participating in our recruiting program have agreed to comply with reasonable deadlines. If you feel that an employer is pressuring you to take a second round interview at a specific date/time that causes you difficulty, please contact CCD.
    • Any student/alumni who reneges on an offer obtained through the on-campus recruiting program will be subject to immediate consequences, which may include suspension of recruiting privileges.
    • Once you have accepted an offer you must remove yourself from any other interview processes you have started. Contact CCD immediately if you need assistance cancelling interviews scheduled through on-campus recruiting. 

    Discrimination and Harassment Policy

    • Manhattan University is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. Consistent with this commitment and with applicable federal, state and local laws, it is the policy of the University as both an educational institution and an employer to prohibit unlawful discrimination and harassment and to provide faculty, students, and staff who believe that they may be the victims of either with mechanisms for seeking redress. 
    • We recommend that all students, alumni, vendors, and employers engaged in activities with the Center for Career Development review the main handbook for regulations on sexual harassment and other statements of non-discriminatory practices. In addition, if you are the victim of sexual harassment and other statements of non-discriminatory practices, please let the CCD know immediately so that they can provide advice and further assistance to you if necessary.
  • Employer Policies and Procedures

    The Center for Career Development adheres to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) policy statement regarding unpaid internships and to the Department of Labor Standards Federal guidelines for unpaid internship. Please consider these when developing your unpaid internship posting.

    Employer Eligibility:

    You are eligible to post a position and recruit at Manhattan University if you are recruiting for a legitimate full-time, part-time or internship opportunity. 

    Employers may NOT:

    • Ask for fees to pay for training, applications or other job-related expenses (excluding federal and state licensing requirements such as real estate, securities, etc.)
    • Ask a student intern to pay any fee except for housing or tuition
    • Ask a student to deposit fee or reimburse any kind of payment as part of recruiting practice 
    • Post positions that are solely commission-based, for personal services (ie: nanny, babysitter, in-home caregiver), or positions that are short-term and/or project-based

    Third party agencies MUST:

    • Disclose their relationship with their client
    • Make clear that the client is paying for any fees assessed by the third-party agency
    • Ensure that their client does not pass along a student's résumé to another party without the student's consent