
The Center for Career Development works with employers to assist them in hiring our students for jobs and internships.

Job and Internship Posting Board: Handshake 

Handshake is Manhattan University’s primary career platform.  Here employers can post internships and jobs, as well as sign up for on-campus recruiting and career fairs.

Log In To Handshake

If you have any problems creating your account, visit the Handshake Support Center or email us at careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu

Career Fairs

Career fairs at Manhattan University are an excellent opportunity for employers to meet students from a variety of majors and disciplines, as well as increase company visibility and branding on campus. Register by logging into Handshake and conducting a search under “career fairs and events” to find events. 

Limited booths are available. Please register as soon as possible to secure your table.

For additional questions about career fairs, contact us at careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu.

Interested in becoming an Event Sponsor? 
Please contact Career Development at careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu
or 718-862-7224 to discuss your specific interest in the Employer Partnership Program.
Employer Cancellation & Refund Policy: Should you wish to cancel your registration, employers paying by credit card will receive a refund of 95% of the total amount paid (to cover credit card processing fees that the university incurs) if cancellation occurs at least one week (7 days) before the event commences. Employers paying by check will receive a full refund if cancellation occurs at least one week before the event commences. Should we be notified of cancellation after the one week time period, no refund will be paid regardless of payment method and registration fees will still be due even if they have not yet been paid.



Upcoming Career Fairs 

Spring CAREER FAIR 2025
Date & Time 
  • Tuesday, February 18, 2025
  • 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm 5th Floor Kelly
  • $375 - Standard/For-Profit
  • $275 - Non-Profit (Human Services, Education, Government)



Registration/Payment Deadline: Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Date & Time 
  • Tuesday, September 30, 2025
  • 12:00 - 4:00 pm  Draddy Gymnasium 
  • TBD - Standard/For-Profit
  • TBD - Non-Profit (Human Services, Education, Government)


Click Here To Register

Registration/Payment Deadline: TBD


On-Campus Recruitment/Interviews

You can conduct interviews on-campus from our designated interview rooms during the academic year by logging in to Handshake and clicking on “Create New Schedule Request” to request an available date. We recommend that you arrange a date by the end of August for fall recruiting, and by mid-January for spring recruiting.

 If you have any questions about on-campus recruiting, please contact   careerdevelopment@manhattan.edu.