Kakos School of Arts and Sciences Summer Research
The Kakos School of Arts and Sciences Research Scholars program is an opportunity for students to get involved in research projects with faculty during the summer. Each year, about thirty (30) select students are awarded, through different sources, a stipend and, if eligible, summer housing.
Scholars in the science and mathematics majors will be chosen based on an evaluation of their proposed research, their academic and co-curricular achievements, and promise for future contributions to knowledge and research in their discipline. As part of this program, the Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement will provide enhanced programs, advising and support so that students develop intellectual, interpersonal, and research skills to be competitive applicants to graduate school, professional school, and fellowships.
Students may live on campus, as one of the goals of the Summer Research initiative has been to foster a climate of scholarly engagement during the summer months. These students work intensively on research projects under the direction of Manhattan University faculty. A student's faculty sponsor must be employed by Manhattan University during the entire period of a student's research project and fall presentation.
At the end of the summer all students present their work in a university-wide seminar and poster presentation. In addition, students are required to submit a report on the type of research, methods used and results obtained. Students participating in the Summer Scholars program will also be required to submit the results from their work for publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal or presentation at a peer reviewed regional or national scientific conference within two years of participation in the Program. Students who are invited to present their work at a regional or national conference may be provided travel funds by the Kakos School of Arts and Sciences.
Current freshman, sophomores and juniors with a major in the former Kakos School of Science are eligible to apply. Students may apply to as many research opportunities that they want each summer, but they may accept only one program's award in a single summer. Students may not participate in multiple summer programs (e.g. Kakos School of Arts and Sciences Summer Scholars and WISE, etc.).
Call for Proposals
Students who would like to collaborate on a research project with a faculty member must submit an online application. They must have already identified a faculty sponsor and, with their faculty member, a research project in order to apply. You will need to fill out an online application form and upload a research proposal. Please note that the research proposal needs to be signed by your faculty sponsor and the Department Chair of your major. If your faculty sponsor is in a department different from your major then the Department Chair of your faculty sponsor should also sign the proposal.
Proposal Guidelines
Include the following sections (if relevant) in your research proposal. In addition, you will need to have your proposal signed by your faculty sponsor and the Department Chair of your major. If your faculty sponsor is in a department different from your major, then the Department Chair of your faculty sponsor should also sign the proposal.
Please limit your proposal to 3 pages. Students are expected to write their own proposals and may work with faculty to determine project content and design. Students should have their faculty research sponsor review their proposals, and may work with them to finalize their submission.
Criteria Explanation Contact Information Please include your Name, Email Address, Cell Phone Number, and Department. Faculty Advisor Information Please include your Faculty Advisor's Name, Department, and Email Address Significance Please explain the impact of your research project both in the context of your academic discipline and to society more generally. Describe how your proposal fits into the research or literature of your field. Goals and Objectives Please give a clear statement of your goals and objectives for this work. This statement may be your thesis statement, research question, hypothesis, or other explanation of your goals and objectives. If the proposed work is part of a larger project (either yours or your research advisor’s), state the specific goals and objectives that will be accomplished during the summer session funded by this program. Project Design Please provide a short description of how you plan to execute your project, your research methods, and your timeline. How will you address the questions involved in your thesis, research question, or hypothesis? This may include research techniques, theoretical perspectives, data collection and analysis methods, etc. Please explain how these methods will support or address you goals and objectives. Feasibility and Off-Campus Work Please identify any archives, equipment, materials, contacts, or other resources which you require to complete your project. If these resources are not available at Manhattan University, explain how you or your faculty mentor will secure access to them. Also, if you will complete any research away from campus, please identify the dates when you expect to be away, where you will be, and why it is necessary. Presentation Please identify at least one professional conference or publication to which your work might be submitted. In addition, we expect that all Jasper Research Scholars will make a presentation to the MU community in September following their summer experience. Personal Interest and Career Goals Please explain your interest in this research proposal/topic. Also please explain some of your future career goals and how these goals are related to this research project. Please identify the knowledge and skills you will acquire by completing this project.
If selected you will:
- Be eligible to live in on-campus housing over the summer.
- Be required to participate in pre-summer training workshops and summer research sessions.
- Be required to present your work in poster and oral sessions, and submit a report, at least 5 pages long, about the type of research, methods used, and results obtained.
- Be required to submit the results from your work for publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal or presentation at a peer reviewed regional or national scientific conference within two years of participation in the Program.
- Be eligible to receive travel funds to present your research products at regional or national meetings.
- Have access to individualized advising about career pathways for after graduation.
Application Form
You must submit an online application in order to be considered for this award.
Deadline: The proposal should follow the rubric above and must be submitted no later than February 25, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a separate application process from the Jasper Summer Research Scholars that is managed through the Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement.