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Jasper Corps

jasper corps leadersJasper Corps is a Federal Work Study internship program that offers eligible students the opportunity to gain invaluable work experience, and to network with local NYC non-profit organizations. Jasper Corps is managed by Manhattan University’s Office of Financial Aid, and is designed to prepare students for their respective careers.  

Please note that students must be federal work-study eligible for this program.

Jasper Corps positions guarantee:

  • Purposeful community engaged work
  • Paid internships
  • Career-preparation
  • Co-curricular education 
  • Life-changing experiences

Students must attend four mandatory paid sessions for the fall semester and three mandatory paid sessions for the spring semester as part of the professional development requirements of the program.


See below for Jasper Corps positions that are currently available:

Interested organizations should contact Anthony Rooney

Being part of a community-engaged federal work study program helped me develop new skills and strengthen those I already had, and allowed me to meet exceptional professionals. I would consider it a valuable experience and recommend it to others.

Student Intern, Bronx Chamber of Commerce