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Directory Information Update

All information in the campus directory is coming from your official employee record in the Banner database. Use the links below to update information in your directory record.

Office Location
Update your campus office location building and room.

Phone Number
Update your campus phone extension.

If you have multiple email aliases (maiden name, etc.) you can select which email address is shown on the web. You cannot set a email.

Updates to your "Display Name" will replace what is displayed on the web only. Use this option if you'd like to have an alternate name displayed.



To help us put friendly faces to names in our campus community, ALL Staff & Faculty are required to have their photo in the online directory.

Starting in Fall 2019, directory photos for NEW Manhattan University faculty & staff will match the images on your ID card. There are two ways for employees to obtain a photo.

You can have your photo taken in the ID office. (Thomas Hall, 2nd Floor, Room 202). Please make an appointment in advance by emailing or calling 718-862-8326.


You may submit a photo of your own to

Portraits of faculty and staff on the Manhattan University website directory MUST meet the following professional standards:

  • Small sized photos cannot be used. Image size needs to be at least 800 pixels.  
  • Shows the face, head and shoulders only.
  • Your eyes should be looking at the camera.
  • You must be the only person in the photo. Photos where another person has been cropped out are not acceptable. 
  • Image needs to be in color, in focus and in good lighting. Blurry or dark images are not acceptable.
  • Image should be professional looking. Please avoid using "selfies" or images from events that are unrelated to your discipline. 

Photos that do not meet the professional standards listed above will not be used.

Visit the ID Office or contact Charles Lippolis by phone or email for questions or concerns about your ID card and/or directory photo.