Educational Affairs Committee

The EAC shall make recommendations on the following matters, subject to the approval of the Provost, and shall inform the Senate of its recommendations which are then forwarded to the President:

  1. Standards for academic standing and graduation
  2. Policies on off-campus courses including Study Abroad courses
  3. Guidelines for intersession and summer session courses including Study Abroad courses
  4. The college-wide grading system
  5.  Attendance policies
  6. Academic integrity
  7.  Requirements for college-wide honor societies and Deans’ Lists
  8. The processes of course and teacher evaluations
  9. The establishment, consolidation, and elimination of schools and departments

The EAC:

  1. May initiate actions on college-wide or inter-school academic matters.
  2. Will receive reports from the curriculum committees of the schools, the Academic Programs Review Committee, the College Curriculum Committee, the College Library Committee, the College Technology Committee, and the Graduate Council.
  3. May refer matters of concern to school and departmental committees, the College Curriculum Committee, and/or other committees and commissions, and the Council for Faculty Affairs.