The Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program is designed to give 25 premedical students deeper insights into the field of medicine, including issues that greatly affect the health of traditionally underserved groups. Through the experiences of laboratory or clinical research, the student learns how one pursues a specific research problem under the supervision of a faculty member, thus providing an early education into basic research techniques that could be applicable to any area of medicine. A lecture series explores topics
in cardiovascular physiology, exposing the students to basic science concepts that are relevant to a more specific understanding of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, both of which are major problems in minority communities. The summer fellows attend a series of talks by minority physicians about various medical specialties, addressing issues of concern in these physician's daily work plus views of the bigger picture in health care to minority communities. Rounds in the hospital with advanced year students provide further exposure to the clinical facets of medicine. Students in the summer program receive counseling on financial planning for medical school and how to examine the financial aid package.
The Travelers Summer Research Fellowship Program is co-directed by Elizabeth Wilson-Anstey, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, and Dr. Joseph F. Murray, Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Equal Opportunity Programs. Since 1976, Dean Wilson-Anstey has helped develop and run the summer research program. Dr. Murray has been on faculty since 1999. Both are active members of the Admissions Committee.
Specific Eligibility Criteria
Students eligible for the program
- must be at least in their junior year of college
- must be declared premed students who preferably have already taken biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Preference is given to students with a grade point average of B or above.
- must have a demonstrated commitment to working on issues with underserved populations within the USA
- must be from one or more of the following groups that are underrepresented in medicine
- Individuals from racial and ethnic groups shown to be underrepresented in biomedical research: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders
- Individuals from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds
- Individuals with disabilities (those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities)
- must be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
Students receive a $140-a-week cost-of-living allowance and are housed rent - free in the dormitory for medical students, but are required to pay for their meals and other living expenses. Travel expenses are paid for students that live some distance from New York.