Postdoctoral Fellowship in Food Security and the Environment

Deadline: December
Website: Link
Disciplines: Social Sciences
Years: Graduate Student, Senior, Alumni

Stanford’s Center on Food Security and the Environment (FSE) seeks applicants to our postdoctoral fellowship for Fall.  The fellowship is awarded to promising young scholars with a demonstrated ability to do innovative and rigorous work related to global hunger, poverty alleviation, and environmental degradation. Successful candidates are expected to lead projects of their own design, while also interacting with other faculty and students at FSE. We encourage candidates from both the social and natural sciences to apply. Successful applications will clearly identify how the proposed work relates to FSE priority areas. 

At FSE's core is an, interdisciplinary team of scholars from departments such as economics, political science, biology, civil and environmental engineering, law, earth sciences, medicine, anthropology, education, and history. FSE is engaged in over 20 research projects, and offers courses for graduate and undergraduate students at Stanford interested in issues of hunger, rural development, global resource and environmental degradation, agricultural technology, climate impacts on food security, and agricultural trade and policy.

FSE provides direct science and policy advising to international development and aid institutions, the international agricultural research centers (CGIAR), the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), environmental non-profit organizations, private sector firms, and leading groups in the agriculture and environment arenas.


  • Design new approaches to solving global hunger and environmental degradation by building an evolving research portfolio and convening an interdisciplinary team of scholars inside and outside of Stanford with relevant scientific, economic, and policy expertise.
  • Become the premier destination for undergraduate and graduate students interested in food and nutrition security, intensive food systems, climate impacts, food-energy linkages, and policy interventions.
  • Emerge as the go-to-center for policy advice on issues relating to food security, agricultural technology and development, and the links between environment, climate and agriculture.

Specific Eligibility Criteria


Proposals received by Dec. 1 will receive full consideration. The position is for one year, at a competitive annual salary and benefits package, with the possibility for an extension, at the discretion of FSE. The target start date for candidates applying by Dec. 1 is Fall, though the exact start date depends on multiple factors.