The Department of Bioethics is pleased to offer a limited number of two-year post-doctoral and pre-doctoral (post-baccalaureate) fellowships. Our interdisciplinary department strives to create an academic environment where our fellows have the freedom and support to develop and implement their own independent scholarship agenda, with guidance from faculty mentors. Fellows participate in the activities and the intellectual life of the department, and study ethical issues related to conduct of research, clinical practice, genetics and health policy.
Post-baccalaureate and post-doctoral fellows will conduct mentored theoretical and empirical research related to the ethics of health policy, human subjects research, international research ethics, genetics, or other bioethical fields of interest. For a typical fellow, this research yields multiple first-authored publications in premier academic journals. In addition to research and writing, fellows participate in weekly bioethics seminars, case conferences, ethics consultations, and IRB deliberations, and have access to multiple educational opportunities at NIH.
Fellowships are two years in length and stipends are based on the applicant's previous experience and the current US government schedule. Past post-doctoral fellows have gone on to academic careers in philosophy, medicine, law, science, health policy, political science, and related departments; some are also active in legal practice, the medical field, and in government jobs. Past pre-doctoral fellows have attended top graduate programs in numerous fields including medicine, law, public health, health policy, psychology and sociology.
Specific Eligibility Requirements
Students with an undergraduate degree who are planning to pursue MD, JD, PhD, or other graduate degrees are encouraged to apply for a post-baccalaureate/pre-doctoral fellowship. Students who have achieved MD, JD, PhD, or other advanced degrees in relevant fields are encouraged to apply for a post-doctoral fellowship. No bioethics experience is required or expected.
The department prides itself on being a diverse and interdisciplinary community. Fellows have come from a variety of academic and social backgrounds and have pursued research on a wide range of topics. An intellectual environment composed of such different points of view has greatly added to the rigor and success of our program. Fellows are selected on the basis of their previous academic achievements, commitment to scholarship, and the contribution they are likely to make in the field of bioethics.