National Grid - The Samuel Huntington Public Service Award

Deadline: January
Website: Link
Disciplines: Arts and Humanities, Business, Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Social Sciences
Years: Senior

The Samuel Huntington Public Service Award provides a $30,000 stipend for a graduating college senior to pursue one year of public service anywhere in the world. The award allows recipients to engage in a meaningful public service activity for one year before proceeding on to graduate school or a career. 

To apply, please develop a proposal for public service in this country or abroad. The proposal may encompass any activity that furthers the public good. It can be undertaken by yourself alone or by working through established charitable, religious, educational, governmental, or other public service organizations. 

Specific Eligibility Criteria

The award is intended to provide an opportunity for a graduating college senior to undertake a one-year public service project anywhere in the world immediately following graduation. The award is not 
intended to help individuals in need of financial assistance or college tuition. They guarantee one award each year but often have two or three winners. 
Non-US citizens eligible to apply if graduating from a U.S. college or university.