Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs

Deadline: January
Website: Link
Disciplines: Arts and Humanities, Business, Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Social Sciences
Years: Senior, Graduate Student, Alumni

 The Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs is a full-time, nine month, graduate-level experiential leadership training program that prepares diverse, talented and committed individuals for effective and ethical leadership in the public affairs arena. Unconventional by traditional academic standards, the Fellows Program is rigorous and demanding, an unparalleled opportunity for personal and professional growth. The Fellows Program is offered in Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and St. Louis.

Coro introduces program participants to all aspects of the public affairs arena, preparing them to translate their ideals into action for improving their own communities and beyond. Coro Fellows learn to see the big picture - the community as a whole - and appreciate the varying perspectives that characterize our cities, states, and nation. Through field placements, group interviews, seminars, focus weeks, individual and group projects, they develop:

  • an understanding of complex public issues
  • leadership skills in inquiry, problem-solving, communication, organization analysis, and consensus-building.
  • political acumen to get things done
  • professional growth and personal transformation.
  • extensive personal and professional networks

Sixty-four Fellows are chosen nationally each year through a highly competitive selection process, including a day-long assessment at each center’s city. The Fellows represent a broad range of academic, work, cultural, racial and economic backgrounds, ages and interests. What they share is an unwavering commitment to civic engagement. Recent participants have ranged from 21 to 53 years of age.

Specific Eligibility Criteria

  • Four of the Coro Program locations - Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and St. Louis - review applications for people living in the states in their surrounding region and screen written applications at the regional level. Finalists invited to the assessment day are part of a national pool and are considered for fellowships at any of those four Coro locations. When possible, applicants' geographic preferences will be factored into the selection process. The more open an applicant is regarding geographic choices, the more options Coro has in finding a position for him or her.
  • The New York Center accepts applications from individuals nationwide interested in establishing themselves in and contributing to the future of New York City. Individuals with this interest who want to do the Fellows Program in New York have their applications reviewed by the New York Coro Center, regardless of their current location. Applicants for the program in New York complete an additional essay about how the applicant envisions leveraging their Coro Fellows experience after graduation to contribute to the civic life of New York City.