American India Foundation's The Banyan Impact Fellowship

Deadline: February
Website: Link
Disciplines: Arts and Humanities, Business, Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Social Sciences
Years: Senior, Graduate Student, Alumni

Meeting India’s goals for sustainable development requires not only hard work and dedication, but also leaders with the firsthand experience and real-world skills to deliver practical, local solutions. The American India Foundation's The Banyan Impact Fellowship, formerly William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India is helping to shape the next generation of leaders committed to impactful change while also strengthening civil society to be more efficient and effective.

The Fellowship pairs a select number of highly skilled young professionals with leading NGOs and social enterprises in India in order to accelerate impact and create effective projects that are replicable, scalable, and sustainable. Through ten months of service and fieldwork, Fellows gain knowledge of development on the ground in the fields of education, livelihoods, public health, and social enterprise, honing and harnessing their growing skills as change agents capable of effecting lasting change. Together, Fellows and development sector leaders form dynamic partnerships to exchange knowledge and skills while sharing their passion and commitment to open new ways of looking at the world – ultimately transforming both the individual and organization.

In its vision to build a lasting bridge between the United States and India, the Fellowship has expanded to incorporate young professional Indians to work side by side with fellows from the US, providing an exciting opportunity for the future leaders of both nations to strengthen ties in service to the underprivileged, leading to an ever-greater platform for collaborative learning and impacting our communities in deeper and more profound ways.

The Fellowship creates a community of socially engaged, global citizens who represent the leaders of tomorrow. Alumni of the program are leaders in international development, academia, journalism, business, entrepreneurship, public health, and other fields. Together they represent a collective force for sustaining a long-term agenda dedicated towards change in India.

Specific Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a U.S. or Indian citizen, or a U.S. permanent resident
  • Be between the ages of 21 and 35 before the start of Fellowship (October 1)
  • Complete an undergraduate degree prior to start of Fellowship (October 1)

We seek applicants from a variety of backgrounds, both professionally and personally. Candidates should demonstrate a deep interest, passion, and commitment to social and economic development in India. Candidates must show humility and an eagerness to learn within a cross-cultural context. Ideal candidates possess strong professional skills, relevant volunteer or other practical experience, and applicable academic credentials or training. They show a potential for leadership and are entrepreneurial, innovative, and creative in finding solutions and navigating unknown environments.

Candidates must be flexible and adaptable, and possess exceptional ability to build meaningful relationships across cultures in the social development space. A sensitivity and ability to work with vulnerable communities, as well as the humility and passion to “learn by doing” is essential.

Although proficiency in an Indian language is not required to apply, it is highly desirable.